Homeschooling cover for child abuse and sexual exploitation?

Who comes up with this stuff? At the head of homeschooling headlines today is an article out of the UK entitled Home schooling ‘could be a cover for child abuse and sexual exploitation’. My problem is not that some people feel this way, but that some people will try to convince others of this drivel. Here are some of the items presented in this article: In some extreme cases, home education could be used as a cover for abuse. We cannot allow this to happen and are committed to doing all we can to help ensure children are safe, wherever … Continue reading

More Arguments About Regulating Homeschoolers

Yesterday I wrote about a very sad case in Washington D.C. where a mother murdered her children. They were being “homeschooled” and now there is somewhat of an ‘outcry’ because there are no regulations that watch over homeschoolers in Washington D.C. Today, I thought I’d devote some time to arguments I’ve heard about regulating homeschoolers and my answer to them. Regulating homeschoolers will prevent abuse and neglect. If those kids were in school someone would’ve noticed. This simply isn’t true. It’s a sad fact that kids slip through the cracks all the time. Sometimes after the fact, people come forward … Continue reading

More Regulations Are Not the Answer!!!

This blog has come about in part from a comment on another blog and in part from a case in Washington D.C. in which a mother was allegedly homeschooling her children. . .but she murdered them. The New York Times wrote a piece about what a tragedy it is that homeschooling families are not more regulated and that had these children been under the watchful eye of the public school system this may never have happened. Like the commenter on my other blog, the New York Time’s author quotes numerous experts that suggest that regulating homeschoolers is the only way … Continue reading

The Homeschooling Blog Week in Review: September 3 to September 10

As you’ve probably noticed, I’ve been an absentee blogger. Our schedule has changed for the fall and adjusting always takes some time. Nonetheless, if you’re behind in your home school reading, I have a whole bunch of great blogs for you. So grab your cup of coffee, sit down, and start reading! September 3 Will Homeschooling Regulations Prevent Child Abuse and Neglect? Opponents to home schooling will often to point to the few but very tragic cases where parents have kept their kids home from school in order to hide abuse that is going on in the home. Some say … Continue reading

Do Homeschoolers Need Regulations to Tell Them What to Teach?

For the past few days I’ve been talking about whether or not homeschoolers need more regulations. I have to be honest and say that this question always cracks me up a little. The thought that all common sense goes out the window when we decide to homeschool floors me. I don’t need the state to help know how to dress my children appropriately for the weather, I don’t need the state to tell me how to feed my kids, I don’t need the state to help me figure out how to teach colors, or numbers or anything like that but … Continue reading

Will More Homeschooling Regulations Prevent Child Abuse and Neglect?

My short answer to this is no, more homeschooling regulations will not prevent child abuse and neglect. In fact, I would suggest that regulating the homeschooler is a useless means of telling whether or not a child has been abused. I’ll explain why in a minute. But first, let’s talk about how prevalent abuse is among homeschoolers. The short answer to that is ‘not very.’ It is sad when we hear about a case of child abuse and we hear that the children were home schooled and someone says, “If only they had been in school–we may have recognized it … Continue reading