Are You Too Critical?

How often do you start the day with a morning lecture? My 8-year-old daughter’s answer:  “Too many!” She’s probably right. If she asks for help locating her backpack, I spend five minutes “suggesting” that she hang it in the back hall where she can easily find it. If she complains about taking the same home lunch to school every day I “propose” that she expand her palate because there’s only so much I can do with strawberries, crackers and plain chicken. When she whines about not having enough time to eat a leisurely breakfast before school I “recommend” moving up … Continue reading

Dealing With a Traumatic Event

One of the ongoing discussions taking place since the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary is how the survivors are going to cope.  Fearful children who are afraid to return to school, some asking if there are anymore “bad guys.”  Or having to explain to them why their teacher or friends won’t be returning. Then there are the horrific images that some of these children witnessed.  The sound of gunfire, hiding in closets and so much more than we can probably only imagine. I wish I had answers as to how a parent can help a child cope after a tragedy.  … Continue reading

Life With A Typical Toddler

The other day I saw a hilarious e-card on Facebook. Well, it would have been hilarious if it weren’t so eerily true. It said something like “All these stay at home moms are on Pinterest making their own soap and reindeer shaped treats, and I’m over here like hey, I took a shower and kept the kids alive”. I am not sure how long I have felt this way, but I know that it goes back even to before my second son was born. Some days I manage to get a few things done, but much of the time I … Continue reading

A Not So Funny Thing Happened Today

As difficult as being a stay at home mom to a toddler and an infant can be, I would not trade it for any other set of circumstances in the world. On days where things are not going so well, it is easy to day dream about what my life might be like if I were working and the boys were at day care. Today, something happened that made it absolutely clear to me that home with my boys is really where my heart is. We were in the car, going home from the grocery store. Dylan was munching on … Continue reading

The Trouble with Toys

(If I step on these one more time I’m going to…) Actually, it’s not the toys I have trouble with; it’s the child owner who repeatedly neglects to pick-up said playthings despite various forms of yelling, nagging and threatening. Sound familiar? Then, you too can likely relate to that Febreze commercial where the mom places all of her kids’ stuffed animals in the toy box only to find them strewn back on the floor the instant she turns around. How many times have you seen that ad and thought, “That’s so my life”? Not the possessed toy part; rather, the … Continue reading

Who Do You See In Baby?

When a new baby arrives, it is interesting to see what different family members say about the ways in which the baby seems to resemble others in the family. This weekend, my boys and I spent some time with my in – laws. Blake is now six months old, and his personality is blossoming. Dylan will be three in November, and his personality is very much evident as well. Over the course of the weekend, my mother – in – law was able to make some observations about the boys. She noticed that Blake has a widow’s peak hairline, like … Continue reading

Silence is Golden

“It’s easier to hear noise than silence.” Wise words from a mom who is enjoying the end of summer, or more importantly, the end of the constant bickering between her seven-year-old son and his 10-year-old sister. The new school year started in my neck of the woods this week and I’ve spent the last few days swapping summer war stories with other parents at morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up. Moms with multiple kids were busy doing their happy dance, celebrating a temporary reprieve from the sibling squabbling they’ve refereed all summer. As a mom of a singleton I am better … Continue reading

Let Them Be Little

Do you let your children be children or have they become mini spouses? All too often single mothers lean on their children too much. It’s so easy to forget that they are just kids when we need their help. It’s nice to have someone else to take out the trash, walk the dog or vacuum, but our worries should not be theirs. So many times I’ve seen little boys with the weight of the world on their shoulders. They will do without to make sure their siblings have enough, they worry about their siblings, their mothers, the bills. It’s very … Continue reading

Easter Egg Envy

To quote The Beatles: “I long for yesterday.” Back then you didn’t have to have a degree in mixology and interior design to decorate Easter eggs. All you needed were a few bowls, some hard-boiled eggs, a handful of dissolving dye tablets and a wire dunker. Every year it was PAAS or bust. Parents of my generation know that PAAS is the Kleenex of Easter egg decorating kits. So, why mess with success? Today, moms and dads are bombarded with crazy egg decorating sets that require mad scientist skills to jazz-up hard-boiled ovum in time for Easter. Long gone are … Continue reading

Getting Hand Me Down Children’s Clothing for Free

Used items can make a difference between having something and not having it or being financially secure versus being greatly in debt. When those used items are hand me downs that you get for free, your financial outlook gets even better. Some of my favorite types of hand me downs are baby and children’s clothing. Because children grow so fast, the clothing is often in great condition and style. Plus, outfitting a kid by buying new can get expensive rather quickly. Times that by the number of kids you have, and things can quickly add up. There are a couple … Continue reading