How Long Each Day Should it Take to Homeschool?

Homeschooling for the day can be completed very quickly when compared to traditional schooling. The reason is that when you have fewer kids to work with, you have less time wasted for each child. How much time do we spend homeschooling? For us, homeschooling is done in the morning, with the afternoon left for unscripted educational activities. This unscripted time is usually filled with reading, outside discovery, computer games, and for my oldest, computer programming. So technically, they homeschooling from about 9 am until 4 pm excluding lunch, which is the same as other children. How much do time we … Continue reading

2006 in Review: Homeschooling Blog at a Glance

As a new homeschooling blogger at, I wanted to know everything that has been discussed to date. In response to my own curiosity, and in an effort to make perusing our articles easier for you, our readers, I have compiled all of the blogs for the year 2006. Deciding to Homeschool Why homeschool Am I qualified for this? Reasons that Homeschooling Works! My Most Important Advice for Homeschoolers. The Cost of Homeschooling Instead of standing up for their own kids, why not stand up for all kids? Disclaimer: I am hardly an expert in education. Did You Know? ‘Empirical … Continue reading

What Your Second Grader Should Know: Math

It so happens that our nation is last among 1st world countries in math and science. Apparently we do quite well until about 4th grade and then we start to loose the edge by repeating the same stuff. While math is definitely incremental (meaning that it builds upon previous lessons), a word to the wise: take short times to review basic concepts daily. You don’t have to do it via rote memorization–play games, do a little here and a little there and before you know it you’ll have an expert mathematician. * Counting, reading, writing to 1,000 Cool Teaching Idea: … Continue reading

What Your First Grader Should Know: Math

Unlike many other subjects, math in its earliest years is definitively concrete. The best way that I know of to get kids to learn math and like it is to make it easy and fun. It is okay to practice different concepts daily and continually return to them until they are mastered. Even after they are mastered you should consider returning to various concepts periodically simply to keep the ideas fresh. Since math is incremental, your children will always be building on what they’ve learned previously. * Counting and writing to 100 My absolute favorite way to teach this concept … Continue reading

What Your Kindergartner Should Know: Mathematics

Simple counting to 20 Teaching Tip: May I suggest simple counting in two languages? If you haven’t already, now is a great time to start. For some reason, Math seems to be one of those subjects where many people feel you need worksheets. You can practice counting wherever you take your child. How many traffic lights have we passed, how many numbers can you find in the signs, or how many apples are we going to buy today. One-to-one relationship Teaching Tip: It seems common sense but young children need to be taught the idea that if there are 5 … Continue reading

Homeschool Questions and Answers: Homeschooling a Kindergartener

Question: I just quit my job to be a stay at home to a 5 year old and a one year old. I have very seriously thought about homeschooling for next year’s k-5 but I really need help to start. Can you please pass on any information that could help me make my decision easier and where to start on learning? Answer: If you are planning to homeschool your child next year after preschool, then you have some time do a bit of research. My advice for a mom considering starting homeschooling is that you should read up on different … Continue reading

The Week in Review: November 4

It seems like the weeks go by so fast! I can hardly believe that we are just a few weeks away from Thanksgiving. (Thank goodness I’m not cooking!) We all know what comes after Thanksgiving though–Christmas preparations! In any case, ‘tis the season to fall behind in homeschooling! This was a light week for the homeschooling blog largely because the season to catch up with homeschooling is now, before the holidays hit! Regardless, we still had a great week and as always I welcome your comments and suggestions. We finished the series of what your kindergartner should know by talking … Continue reading