September is Apple Orchard Time!

September is a great month to visit the apple orchard. How I love the smell of autumn in the air and the crinkling of the leaves as I walk through the apple orchard with my kids. After a fun afternoon of picking the best apples we head over to feed the goats in the barn. Then we are off to get some fresh apple cider and donuts to finish off the day. It’s a very relaxing and stress free experience we all enjoy. Spending this stress free time together is healthy and brings us closer together. Memories of children who … Continue reading

Homeschoolers Worry about Obama

Homeschoolers worry about laws that affect homeschoolers. We worry about what new legislators will do and how politicians will view them. We worry about school boards giving us a hard time. We worry about our freedom to parent. We vote based on these worries and concerns. I received an email this morning from someone who was thinking about supporting Obama in his presidential bid. They asked me if I was aware of anything Obama had said or done to support homeschooling. My guess is that this would greatly affect their vote. The only thing I could find as something he … Continue reading

Invalid Reasons to Homeschool: A Rebuttal to a Public Educators Opinion

Our Education blogger here at gave an assessment of what she feels are invalid reasons to homeschool. We all know the cliché of how the grass on the other side of the fence always looks greener. Well, in an educational setting, we often see our grass as greener than that on the other side. It takes a special pair of rose-colored glasses to educate children. So, while I agree with her in some aspects. Of course, as a homeschooler, I am looking at the grass from a different perspective. Fad/phase: I have written about this phenomenon before in The … Continue reading

The Real Problem with Homeschooling

I’ve only been homeschooling for a few years. . .my oldest is in third grade. But like all homeschoolers, I’ve heard my fair share of objections. I’m either unqualified (because you know, colors, numbers and shapes are so hard to master) or my children will be behind socially. I’ve pretty much accepted the fact that we’re misfits and I’m okay with that on a personal level. However, it has always bothered me on a more philosophical level. I mean, we live in a society that is pretty much “live and let live.” No one wants to be told how to … Continue reading

A Response to the NEA’s 2007-2008 Homeschooling Resolution

The NEA, for those of you who don’t know, is the National Education Association. And every year, they pass a set of resolutions as the ’experts’ in education. To be fair, this is one itsy bitsy tiny piece of their entire resolution. In short, they are against home schooling and always have been. They are so against home schooling in fact, that they’re willing to tout an article, written by a janitor, as good reasons not to home educate their child. But I digress. Below is this year’s resolution, and my response. B-75. Home Schooling The National Education Association believes … Continue reading

Reasons to Continue Homeschooling

Writing about reasons to quit homeschooling this morning, got me thinking. I want to take a second look at the reasons a parent might want to quit homeschooling, and give a few reasons why a parent in the same situation may want to continue homeschooling. I will add the disclaimer that if a parent feels pushed into homeschooling, then they probably should not homeschool. As I stated earlier, that would create an unhealthy environment for both parent and child. Parent feels they cannot provide the child the structure they need.Providing structure for a child’s education, especially when there are younger … Continue reading

2006 in Review: Homeschooling Blog at a Glance

As a new homeschooling blogger at, I wanted to know everything that has been discussed to date. In response to my own curiosity, and in an effort to make perusing our articles easier for you, our readers, I have compiled all of the blogs for the year 2006. Deciding to Homeschool Why homeschool Am I qualified for this? Reasons that Homeschooling Works! My Most Important Advice for Homeschoolers. The Cost of Homeschooling Instead of standing up for their own kids, why not stand up for all kids? Disclaimer: I am hardly an expert in education. Did You Know? ‘Empirical … Continue reading

The Sunday Evening Review: Dec. 8th and Some More

Wow–add another blogger to the home schooling section of and what do you get? A whole bunch of great blogs to read!! While our newest blogger, Andrea Hermitt officially started last week, a few of her blogs were post dated and not covered in last week’s Sunday Evening Review. I didn’t want you to miss anything, so here are the post dated blogs as well as blogs for this past week! First of all, if you haven’t read Andrea’s Introduction, make a point to check it out! As any of us who home school know, frequently the first question … Continue reading

10 Ways for a Homeschooling Mom to Support Herself.

Valorie Delp recently wrote an article entitled 10 Ways to Support Your Child’s Teacher the article had lots of helpful advice for parents of schoolchildren, but her tips applied to anyone with children. Likewise, I would like to talk about 10 ways for a homeschooling mom to support herself. Being both mom and teacher is a big job, so here are 10 ways for us homeschoolers to support ourselves. 1. Set expectations at an early age: Remind your kids on a daily basis that they can do anything that they put their minds to. Let them know that you expect … Continue reading

Parenting Gone Wrong–An Answer for Kaye

For those of you who are just jumping in, you may want to take a moment and peruse the other blogs in this discussion between Kaye, one of our education bloggers, and I. I have listed them at the bottom of this blog. Kaye poses some good questions regarding home schooling. She has a neighbor, who it seems, may not be the next poster child for HSLDA. He doesn’t seem to know what he should at his age, he’s out when it seems he should be home schooling, and his behavior is less than ideal. Kaye wonders, like so many … Continue reading