Behavior Changes and Growth Spurts

In my personal experience as a parent, I learned over the years that my kids tended to act up and develop some behavior challenges right before or in the midst of a growth or development spurt. While I am not a medical profession or a child development expert, I just have my own experience as a parent to draw on and I do believe there is a correlation between changes in a child’s behaviors and developmental growth spurts. This was not something I realized when I was a new parent, it took getting a little experience under my belt and … Continue reading

They are Called Growth Spurts for a Reason

During our first year of homeschooling, my daughter who was in the 2nd grade at the time finished her entire curriculum by Christmas. By spring, she was half way through her 3rd grade curriculum. I could not have been more pleased. This was the child that several teachers in a row insisted that she needed Ritalin. This was the same child that was incapable of sitting in a chair and did her work bouncing from foot to foot or with her butt in the air and her knew in the chair. This was the same child who was convinced she … Continue reading

How to Ask for a Discount When Buying Twins’ Clothing

All of my children have hit some sort of rare and unprecedented growth spurt this season and we desperately needed to buy clothes. It always seems worse when I’m buying clothes for twins though. In fact, when stores see me, I often get assigned a personal shopper who goes through and helps me pick stuff out and then puts my selections aside. Nope–a personal shopper doesn’t cost extra. They are happy to have your money and they know you’ll spend more if your hands are free and you aren’t frustrated. In fact, that’s another tip for moms with twins–if you … Continue reading

Homeschool Week in Review March 31-April 5

05 Apr 2008 Second Grade Homeschool Basics by Andrea Hermitt Previous homeschool bloggers have given curriculum guides for the second grade according to subject. The purpose of this guide is to put all of the suggestions in one place allowing homeschoolers to build their own curriculum around the basics. Are Homeschooling Children School Phobic? by Andrea Hermitt According to a UK website for anxiety care, school phobia can and should be treated. According to this website (which is attempting to sell counseling services) school phobia or school refusal affects 5% of students and is most common among boys. The onset … Continue reading