A Child’s Self Esteem and the Frugal Life

My daughter came home the other day from a doll playdate. The girls all brought their 18-inch dolls, you know the American Girl Doll kind. My daughter does have a real American Girl Doll, given to her on her birthday after more than four years on her wish list and some creative saving. She is fond of that doll, and has never once complained about the fact that it is her only one (it is not unusual for her peers to have three or four of these dolls as well as all of the accessories). She did complain though that … Continue reading

Missed Opportunity

Ever feel like kicking yourself?  I had one of those moments yesterday…when I did the very thing I strive to not do, especially in light of the recent tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School.  I missed an opportunity to talk. It was one of those “life happens” deals.  Picked up the kids from school and was running short on time because I had just an hour to work, dinner to make and a funeral to attend. My 15-year-old daughter wanted to talk and it wasn’t just chitchat.  She wanted me to come into her bedroom and close the door.  That … Continue reading

School Store Helps Kids Learn Important Life Skills

A school in Arizona is doing something really interesting in order to help students who are in the special needs program to learn much needed skills. They have created a school store where other students can purchase inexpensive and interesting school supplies. This is a great opportunity for kids to practice socials skills and to learn life skills. Kids who have certain kinds of special needs, (such as ADHD, or an autism spectrum disorder), struggle with social skills. Many special needs programs will include lessons on the proper way to respond to certain social situations, as well as a way … Continue reading

Equal Credit Opportunity Act

What is the Equal Credit Opportunity Act you may ask? Well, Congress passed the Equal Credit Opportunity Act in 1974. It initially developed to protect the rights of women to receive credit. In the early 1970s before the law passed, it was almost impossible for single women to get a loan and married women had to have their husbands co-sign. This act helped make the credit playing field for men and women equal. Later on, the coverage expanded to include all types of discrimination in relation to credit. It now protects your ability to receive credit in regards to sex, … Continue reading

The Opportunity to Respond to Life

I have always said that although we are Christians, we don’t homeschool for religious reasons. We homeschool because to send our children to our local public school would be akin to educational neglect in our minds. We homeschool because we have some gifted children whose needs would not be met. We homeschool because when we were first looking at the school, the teacher told me, “Oh no, the kids never handle books because they might wear them out.” However, being Christians, religion is not absent from our homeschooling. In fact, I would say it’s an integral part of our day. … Continue reading

How to Get Your Kids to Talk With You


Are you tired of getting one word answers from your kids? Are you wondering how to get your kid to finally open up and talk with you? The solution might be one that Kenneth Barish, Ph.D., wrote about for Huffington Post. Give his ideas a try, and see what happens! Frustrated parents should take a minute to read over what Kenneth Barish, Ph.D., wrote in an article titled: “Why Won’t She Talk to Us? How to Have Better Conversations With Your Children”. In it, he explains some of the reasons why kids become uncommunicative with their parents. In short, there … Continue reading

The Magic of Mail

My daughter loves getting mail. Not email, snail mail. She’s seven years old and doesn’t own a Smartphone, computer or any other digital device which allows her to email her BFFs to LOL about her WAHM. She does it via longhand, instead. While I dread the short walk from the front door to the mailbox for fear of what other bill may be waiting for me there, my kid counts down to the mail carrier’s visit each day. We’re old school here at Casa Cheplic and the United States Postal Service loves us for it. Why? Two words: Pen Pal. … Continue reading

Autism Affects Relationships of Celebrity Parents, Too

It has been said that parents of children who have autism, or other special needs, have a higher risk of divorcing. The extra focus that this type of parenting requires, and the added stress, tends to cause relationship problems for the parents. Celebrities are not immune from this experience. Jenny McCarthy has expressed dissatisfaction regarding her ex and her son. Jenny McCarthy has a ten year old son named Evan. After Evan was diagnosed with autism, she became involved with an organization called Generation Rescue. According to the “About” page, the organization is dedicated to the recovery of children with … Continue reading

What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger

There is a video on YouTube that has been getting a lot of attention. In the video, a group of children who are battling cancer lip-sync to a song by Kelly Clarkson that is called “Stronger”. The video is very positive, and uplifting. It is a way to give hope not only to these kids, but to others who also are fighting a serious disease. Kelly Clarkson has an album that is called “Stronger”. It was released in 2011. It includes a song that is titled: “Stronger (What Doesn’t Kill You)”. The song was written by Jorgen Elofsson, Ali Tamposi, … Continue reading

Building Character: Travel

What can travel teach you? One of the joys of home learning is that you can travel without the burden of a traditional school schedule on your shoulders. Visit national monuments in May? Why not? Head south of the Equator in January? Certainly! Travel is also a teacher. Through travel, children experience new places and cultures. They learn the importance of scheduling – not missing trains. They learn the importance of enjoying the moment – the opportunity to try a new food that you might never encounter again. But let’s crib off Seligman and Peterson’s Character Strengths and Virtues for … Continue reading