The Freedom To Be Socially “Awkward”

Last week I had the opportunity to watch my oldest daughter’s ballet class. It’s very interesting to watch her. She is not the most gifted in the class. But she works and she works really, really hard and it has definitely paid off. She follows instructions and listens very intently. She is one focused young lady. What was most interesting to me though was watching the scenario unfold at the end. The teacher wanted the girls to just do some ‘free’ dancing. The pianist began to play a classic piece from “The Nutcracker” and this group of tween girls stood … Continue reading

Why Exactly Are We So Concerned About Socialization Anyways?

**Note: For the purposes of readability, “Americans” in this blog refers to those who were born and raised in the United States and who grew up under our public education system. It is in no way implying that those who live here, but were born and raised in a different country are not Americans. The point is to note the cultural differences in how the two groups in general view the purpose of education and to do that it’s easier to refer to one group as such. Some of you already know that the community in which I live could … Continue reading

The Real Problem with Homeschooling

I’ve only been homeschooling for a few years. . .my oldest is in third grade. But like all homeschoolers, I’ve heard my fair share of objections. I’m either unqualified (because you know, colors, numbers and shapes are so hard to master) or my children will be behind socially. I’ve pretty much accepted the fact that we’re misfits and I’m okay with that on a personal level. However, it has always bothered me on a more philosophical level. I mean, we live in a society that is pretty much “live and let live.” No one wants to be told how to … Continue reading

Even Veterans Wonder, “Can I Really Do This?”

A good friend of mine and I were talking about whether or not we really know what we’re doing with this homeschooling thing. She is more a veteran than I as her oldest son is going into high school and she has homeschooled her kids from the very beginning. So far, we haven’t messed up our kids. . .but can we really, really train a child all the way from birth to high school and send him forth into the world confident that despite our shortcomings, that child can do well? Moments of self doubt creep in, even for us … Continue reading