How to Declutter Your Social Media

Want to start off the new year with a nicer, happier, more interesting online experience? One way to do it is to take the time to declutter your social media. Keep the connections that add value to your life and get rid of the rest. You might also want to cancel accounts on social media websites that you have stopped using. Social media can be fun and entertaining. Unfortunately, it also has the potential to turn into a drama-filled, stressful, nightmare of a place to visit. The problem with following too many people is that it makes it hard to … Continue reading

Frugal Ways to Entertain Your Kids this Summer

Summer vacation is a time that most children excitedly look forward to. It is easy to see why. They get a whole lot of free time! Parents are going to need some frugal ideas for fun activities that will entertain their children. Here are a few ideas to try. Bubbles Little kids cannot get enough of bubbles! You can pick up small bottles of bubbles, complete with bubble wand, from a dollar store. Check the dollar racks at Target, too. Parents can sit down outdoors and blow bubbles that their toddlers will chase. Older kids can blow bubbles on their … Continue reading

Federal Government Extends Deadlines for Exchanges

Originally, the deadline for states to show how they intended to operate their health insurance exchanges was November 16, 2012. The federal government decided to extend the deadline to December 14, 2012. The exchanges are going to be ready by January 1, 2014, no matter what. The health insurance exchanges are part of the rules and regulations set forth by the Affordable Care Act, (which was signed in 2010). The purpose of the exchanges is to enable all Americans, (and some small businesses) to easily find an affordable health insurance policy. People can use the exchange to compare one policy … Continue reading

Keep Your Pets Safe on Halloween

Halloween is fun for humans, especially children. Keep in mind, though, that Halloween can be stressful, or dangerous, for your pet. Banfield Pet Hospital has a guide to Halloween safety that pet owner should read over. It can help you avoid tragedy and a pet insurance claim. It is understandable that pet owners will want to share the fun of the holiday with their pets. After all, pets are part of the family! Pet owners need to keep in mind that there are many things associated with Halloween that can lead to a dangerous situation for your dog or cat. … Continue reading

Accepting the Things You Cannot Change

“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” We’ve all heard the serenity prayer countless times throughout our lives. I’ve loved these beautiful words from the first time that I heard them; putting them in to practice, however, is another matter entirely. After my divorce I felt completely helpless. I felt as if I had lost everything that night. I lost my home, my husband, my source of income, and my dream of having a family. No matter what I did … Continue reading

Where Were You on That Day?

Today, many genealogists have created online blogs that they use to talk about their research, post family photos, and share family stories. I have a suggestion for a topic that will give you a lot of material to work with. Ask your family members where they were when a significant event happened, and write down their stories. There are certain events that are so shocking, and so tragic, that they cannot be forgotten. Sometimes, those events affect an entire nation, (if not the entire world). People remember exactly where they were, and what they were doing, right before they found … Continue reading

Your Genes Determine if You Like Cilantro

Your genes are responsible for a whole lot of things about you! Genes determine things like your eye color and your hair color. I guess is isn’t so surprising to learn that your genes determine if you like, or hate, certain foods. When it comes to cilantro, the gene that determines if you like it (or hate it) is connected to your sense of smell. Your biological mother, and biological father, each contributed to your genetic makeup. Genes get passed down from one generation to the next. This explains why you look like some of your ancestors, and why you … Continue reading

How Does Having Children Affect Friendships?

Sometimes, I worry about what having kids will do to my already nonexistent social life. I’m not whining about not being able to go out and have fun anymore. That’s just not my thing. I’m a stay-in, watch-movies, read-books, play-video-games kind-of-person. My closest friends are those who like to do the same thing. What I’m worried about is growing further apart from the friends that I do have. A lot has already been written about how important it is to preserve one’s friendships outside of our marriage. We may have (hopefully) married our best friend, or at least one of … Continue reading

Missing Your Spouse, Even When They’re Around

Do you miss your spouse when he or she is around? I have on occasion found myself telling Jonathan that I miss him, even when he’s sitting right in front of me. Usually I say this in response to his having to leave for a day or so for work. Sometimes I even do it when he has to take a rare night shift, which I know is crazy. On those days I’m actually getting to see more of him than I would on a normal day, because he’s home in the morning, leaves at 3 pm, and is back … Continue reading

Does Your Child’s School Bus Have Air Conditioning?

Summer weather can include excessive, and dangerous, heat. In many parts of the country, the heat doesn’t dissipate just because a new school year has started. Does your child’s school bus have air conditioning? It is very important that parents find out the answer to that question. Last Summer, there were several parents in New York who were alarmed because their child’s school bus did not have air conditioning. The children were attending a Summer school program that was designed for students who had special needs. The kids were coming home drenched in sweat. The parents were upset because their … Continue reading