Curbing Bad Behavior: Biting

Once bitten, twice shy. Or in my daughter’s case, indefinitely shy. And in my case, infinitely outraged. Last year, my child was on the receiving end of a serious bite.  Not by a spider, a dog, nor a snake, but by a boy diagnosed with a developmental disorder. My daughter’s bloody injury required emergency medical treatment.  Fortunately, her tetanus shot was up-to-date, so she wasn’t forced to endure a booster. Despite the passage of time, the details of that traumatic day are still seared in my memory.  As I learned from the attending physician, human bites can be far more dangerous than … Continue reading

Last-Minute Holiday Travel Deals

  Today is considered one of the busiest travel days of the year, along with the day after Christmas and January 2nd.  If you are looking for deals on a holiday getaway, your window of opportunity isn’t completely closed.  According to travel experts, you can still score last-minute savings on flights to some destinations if you travel on Christmas day.  You can also save a little money if you take-off three or four days after December 25th. Another way to save is to book online.  Check the websites of individual budget carriers, as well as travel aggregate sites. Flying on … Continue reading

Divorce: A Bad Word

I will never forget when my children were younger and a neighbor child rang my doorbell to inform me that my son (who was about 7 years old at the time) had said a “bad” word.  “Really?” I responded.  “What did he say?” You could tell this kid was proud of himself, sure that after he told me, my son would be getting into some really big trouble.  Loudly he declared, “He said,” but then he barely whispered, “hell.”  I had to bend over to hear the word. Well as it turned out my son was apparently relaying a message … Continue reading

Bad Rap?

Do teens get a bad rap? It’s something I have been thinking about recently, after a conversation with a couple of friends. My teens have been part of a wonderful youth group at church. In fact, I am very appreciative of this ministry and the impact I know it has made on my children. But within the church there is an element of naysayers when it comes to teens. They don’t even have to be doing anything outright wrong but they get “the look.” You know what I mean. The look that says, “I’m watching you,” as if it’s assumed … Continue reading

Quick Tips For A Happy Work Day

If your home – based business or job has begun to feel like the daily office grind that you thought that you were escaping when you made the switch to working at home, do not despair. It is inevitable that there will be days when your workday is less than stellar. That said, there are a few ways that you can do your best to make most of your work days pleasant. As you sit down to work, remind yourself why you do what you do. Thinking about the big picture, like how you work from home in order to … Continue reading

Finding The Good In Today

I was about to sit down and write something about toddlers and testing limits. After all, there was a whole lot of that going on around here today. It seemed as if Dylan and I went from one tense situation to another as he pushed and pushed and pushed some more. Of course, the fact that I went to bed late last night did not help matters any, because it is much easier to deal with typical toddler behavior when one is well rested. While my day did contain plenty of fodder for an article about why and how toddlers … Continue reading

Thankful For The Day That Turned Out Okay

Today had all of the potential makings of a terrible day. Last night, Dylan went to bed about three hours later than he usually does. This morning, he got up a little before his regular wake up time. Since he normally gets about twelve hours of sleep each night and does not nap most days, I was concerned to say the least. When Dylan is overtired, he does not act like himself. I am sure that most toddlers act at least slightly out of sorts when they are overtired. As we ate breakfast, I wondered to myself when the difficulties … Continue reading

Bad Housekeeping Habits

What is the biggest pet peeve you have when it comes to the housekeeping habits of others? Because let’s face it. There is probably something that others in our home do that we wish they wouldn’t do. For instance…I wish my family wouldn’t leave the empty cardboard tube on the paper towel holder. And instead they would throw it out and put a new roll on. I wish my family wouldn’t keep stuffing garbage into the can, when it is clearly starting to fall out, and instead see it needs to be taken out. I wish I wouldn’t go into … Continue reading

Discipline After Divorce

As a parent, even when I was married, I struggled with how to discipline Hailey. I wanted to make sure that we used these times as teachable moments, not just punishment. For the most part, I think we succeeded when her father and I were parenting her together. When you are married discipline seems a little easier, there is another person there to look at the situation and offer input. When you are single, disciplining your child becomes harder but even more important. Sometimes I was afraid of overreacting. Usually my days were long and my patience short and many … Continue reading

My Daughter’s Day Without Her Dad

Planning a wedding is so much fun and so much stress. Other than your own wedding there is no wedding you look forward to more than your daughter’s. You want everything to be perfect. Too bad things don’t always work that way. When I got divorced my ex husband and I struggled to figure out what our relationship should be. After a while we came to the conclusion that we wanted to be the best parents we could be to Hailey. Recently my ex husband has decided that Hailey no longer needs him and he doesn’t need to be a … Continue reading