Frugal is: Living in Your Van to Save College Costs

I hear about people living in their vehicles all the time, generally because they are down on their luck. Even famous people have been known to live in their cars during hard time,like Jewel and Tyler Perry, for example. Just two years ago Ken Ilgunas was called a crybaby for an article he wrote in the Buffalo News Opinion Column as he complained about being a college graduate and living at home. Here is an excerpt of the column he wrote: “Desperate times called for desperate measures, and I had no intention of living in a society that was as … Continue reading

Homeschool Q & A: Homeschooling for Senior Year in High School

I recently received the following question by email: I am going to be a Senior in High School. I don’t want to go back to high school because I am having a bad experience and I have had enough. Both my parents work and I was wondering if someone else can homeschool me and if you know any websites that can help me find a person who homeschools. Here are some other questions: How many hours a day is homeschool? How do I know what subjects I am going to take? How long are my breaks (Christmas and Easter)? Do … Continue reading

Finishing the Summer Strong

We are year-round homeschoolers to a certain degree. During the school year, the kids take courses outside of the home two days a week, do projects at home, and participate in other activities. At the beginning of every summer, I evaluate children for weak points and assign summer work that will help them improve. I pick only one subject each to work on during the summer. Every year, as we get to the mid summer point, I can see the children’s interest wane. My son only has three more math chapters to finish and my daughter has about 10 more … Continue reading

What are your homeschoolers doing this summer?

As summer approaches, it is time for my family to switch from out regular homeschool schedule to out summer schedule. I want my children to continue spending time purposely learning every day without burning them out. I also want them to keep stay physically active, and working on their own personal interests. Academically, My son will work on Algebra, which he did not finish this year, as we wanted him to move through the course at his own pace. As he is only 13, he was a year ahead in math anyway, and so taking Algebra slow and steady would … Continue reading

A Challenge for Your Kids This Summer

I was channel surfing this morning, when I came across the Montel Williams Show, and he was talking to child inventors. One 17-year-old girl had a line of greeting cards, and accessories in hundreds of stores in 13 states. Another kid had created a popcorn butter blaster that he was marketing to movie theatres that would spread the butter all the way through the popcorn instead off just getting a soggy top. There was a 12-year-old artist whose designs are now on retail carpets. In addition, a young girl created a better bike locking system for the library. For years, … Continue reading

Should I Send My Homeschooler to Summer Camp? Possibly Yes

We are now on the verge of summer and many homeschooling families are contemplating summer activities. The question of summer camp is on the forefront of many people’s minds. So should a homeschooling family send the children off to camp? I will answer this question in two parts. The first will discuss reasons you will want to send your kids to camp, and the second will discuss reasons you might not want to send your homeschooled kids to summer camp. Summer camp can be an excellent change of pace for a homeschooler. It will give them the chance to explore … Continue reading

Homeschool blog week in review: Feb 24 – Mar 02 2007

This past week, the homeschooling blog included a bit about issues, as well a wealth of information. From a Homeschool Legal Defense Association discussion to the beginnings of a homeschool glossary, the homeschool blog as definitely a must read. Feb 24: We took a much-needed day off Feb 25: You will find reviews of the wonderful articles of the previous week. Feb 26: Julie Gentry wrote about Homeschooling and Scouting and accusations that homeschooling gave her kid an unfair advantage over other scouts. In The Cost of Summer Homeschooling , I discussed ways to creatively “homeschool” in the summer … Continue reading

The Cost of Summer Homeschooling

Let me first direct you to Myra Turner’s blog, written this morning about Sending Your Kids to College for the Summer. This is definitely an excellent idea. When I read Morning by Morning, How We Home_Schooled Our African American Sons to the Ivy League, the author, Paula Penn-Nabrit I found the same recommendation for homeschoolers. Mrs. Penn-Nabrit talks about how important summer programs were for her children. She sent her children to NASA space camp, to Art schools, to computer camps and more. She did this regardless of the expense. She was glad to spend the money to add enrichment … Continue reading

2006 in Review: Homeschooling Blog at a Glance

As a new homeschooling blogger at, I wanted to know everything that has been discussed to date. In response to my own curiosity, and in an effort to make perusing our articles easier for you, our readers, I have compiled all of the blogs for the year 2006. Deciding to Homeschool Why homeschool Am I qualified for this? Reasons that Homeschooling Works! My Most Important Advice for Homeschoolers. The Cost of Homeschooling Instead of standing up for their own kids, why not stand up for all kids? Disclaimer: I am hardly an expert in education. Did You Know? ‘Empirical … Continue reading

Are Separate Birthday Parties Necessary?

Is your child’s birthday one more day that you dread because you have to figure out how to share it with your ex? When I was first divorced Hailey’s birthday loomed over me like a dark cloud. I didn’t want it to be one more holiday that she would have to split between mom and dad’s house. That first birthday after the divorce was hard. Hailey was sad, her family was glaringly divided. After that year I decided never again. I wanted Hailey’s birthday to be a celebration for and about her. So I called my ex husband and hashed … Continue reading