Summer Reading Programs for Kids

It has been said that kids can “lose” some of what they learned during the school year if they don’t practice those skills while on summer vacation. Summer reading programs can inspire kids to read books during the months when school is out. Your child could benefit from participating in a Summer reading program. Barnes & Noble Summer Reading Program This Summer reading program began in May and will end on September 5, 2017. Children need to fill out a Summer Reading Journal (which can be printed from the Barnes & Noble website in English or in Spanish). Kids must … Continue reading

Where to Find Summer Reading Programs

One of the things that kids like best about summer vacation is that they get a long break from school. It is important to keep your child’s reading skills sharp over the summer. A fun way to do that is to get your child involved in a summer reading program. There are several to choose from. Your local library The first place to seek out a summer reading program is your local library. Ask the librarian in the children’s section if they are doing this type of program. If so, he or she can help you get your child involved. … Continue reading

Stability in Special Education Programs is Important

Special Education programs are designed to help students who have special needs with their education. One thing that really helps is if the Special Education program, itself, is as stable as possible. In New Jersey, lawmakers are trying to pass a bill that would require Special Education programs to have more stability than they do right now. Right now, there are a whole lot of people who are unemployed. A bunch of them are teachers who were laid off in the past couple of years. The recession caused school districts to make cuts in order to balance their budget. It … Continue reading

Preventing Summer Brain Drain

The school year is winding down for millions of students across the country, and while most kids are thrilled to be getting a much needed break from studying, some parents are hoping that summer vacation doesn’t lead to brain drain. Summer learning loss is nothing new; however, it is avoidable. While most parents think summer school is the key to keeping their kids at the head of the class, there are a slew of other activities that can help preserve lessons learned in the course of an academic year. My daughter would rather give up TV and eat nothing but … Continue reading

Discover the Ocean This Summer: Marine Science Resources

Marine science is a topic that is very accessible for elementary students who live near the coast. There it happens most naturally, as children head out to play on the beach, find shells, and experiment by building castles and channeling the incoming tide. If you don’t live in a coastal area, getting involved in marine science can be a bit more challenging. For the child or the family who is fascinated by marine science but lives far away from the ocean, try a family visit or a summer camp that focuses on marine ecosystems. Choose between family camps and overnight … Continue reading

Summer Fun for Kids With Autism

Summer vacation can be challenging for children who are on the autism spectrum. They lose the routine that they had gotten used to while school was in session. Many will have sensory issues that make it difficult for to enjoy activities that are too loud, or too crowded. Parents of children who have autism can still find a lot of fun things for their children to do this Summer. AMC theaters have been hosting “sensory friendly” films for quite some time now. They select movies that are fairly new, appropriate for children, and entertaining. The lights in the theater are … Continue reading

Summer Reading Fun

When I was little I spent a lot of time at the library. It was right downtown in our foothill village. I could ride my bicycle there myself. I especially loved the summer reading program. When Chris and I first got married we lived in a cozy townhouse in Huntington Beach. The Huntington Beach library was impressive. There were waterfalls inside. It was such a peaceful place to be and I wanted to share it with children. Little did I know that we’d own four houses in three cities in two states before children happened for us. Now that we … Continue reading

Summer of Woes

Summertime is supposed to be filled with laughter and joy for those in the academic world. The summer is for resting, relaxing, and sipping on iced drinks from a folding chair in the sunshine. Summertime means you’ve completed that final test, graded that final paper, added those final grades to your transcript and have fewer worries until the fall semester begins those concerns anew. This is not true for me this summer and I only recently realized how bad it is going to be. Over 5,700. Go ahead… read that number again. Feel it labor your mouth into forming the … Continue reading

Pizza Hut Encourages Reading and Welcomes Homeschoolers Too

Pizza Hut Book It! Program has been ongoing for many years to encourage students to read and has always awarded homeschoolers with pizza and other prizes. Previously when homeschoolers wanted to participate they had to do so through a homeschool group or co-op. It could be difficult to coordinate large groups of people, but everyone was happy enough with the program. This year, and for the past few years, homeschoolers are allowed to sign up individually. The website announcement says the following: “Thank you for your interest in the BOOK IT! Program for grades K-6. We are currently accepting enrollment … Continue reading

Summer Reading Programs

Kids are out of school and getting them to read is a challenge every parent struggles with. Studies have shown that they can lose two months of knowledge over the summer if they don’t engage their brains in something other than fun. Parents don’t have to fight this battle alone. Several businesses and websites have stepped up to offer summer reading programs to kids where they can earn cool prizes and rewards. If you haven’t read Valorie Delp’s Blog, All About, you should check it out. She discusses the advantages of using this website to encourage homeschooled children to … Continue reading