Why Do Homeschoolers Speak Negatively of Schools?

After reading a statement that said many homeschoolers speak negatively of schools, I had to stop and search within myself about the truth in that statement. It is a true and unfortunate fact that some homeschoolers can be quite vocal about their disdain or discomfort with public schools. I can also understand that it disturbs many people, especially educators when they hear homeschoolers speak negatively of schools. However, it is generalizing to say that many homeschoolers are negative towards schools. From someone who felt that my only option was to take my kids out of school, I can only say … Continue reading

Homeschool Blog Week in Review March 24- March 30, 2007

This past week at the families.com homeschool blog was one of back to business basics as I continued compiling the homeschool curriculum glossary. I also touched on a few issues like reasons to quit, or to continue homeschooling. Here is the week in review: March 24 2007: Reasons to Quit Homeschooling was written in response to a message board question I read where a mom was wondering about reasons other former homeschoolers may have quit. I followed that article up with Reasons to Continue Homeschooling where I addressed the other side of the same issues. March 25, 2007: Homeschool Curriculum … Continue reading

Sometimes a homeschooler cannot win an argument

Many online discussions about homeschoolers online generally consists of numerous homeschoolers, or homeschooling proponents arguing against one of a small number of anti homeschoolers. These arguments can become passionate, heated, and even ugly. Recently, I found myself baited into such an online conversation. Why I thought a public school teacher wanted to argue homeschooling on the merits was beyond me. I guess we all have days when we give too much emphasis to unhealthy discussions. I will try harder to not take the bait next time. People will take examples of such conversations and use them as an excuse to … Continue reading

Parenting Gone Wrong–An Answer for Kaye

For those of you who are just jumping in, you may want to take a moment and peruse the other blogs in this discussion between Kaye, one of our education bloggers, and I. I have listed them at the bottom of this blog. Kaye poses some good questions regarding home schooling. She has a neighbor, who it seems, may not be the next poster child for HSLDA. He doesn’t seem to know what he should at his age, he’s out when it seems he should be home schooling, and his behavior is less than ideal. Kaye wonders, like so many … Continue reading