How to Raise a Confident Child

Does your child have difficulty making decisions on their own? Are they having problems with low self-esteem? These problems can signal that they lack confidence in their own opinions, abilities, and worth. Here are some things parents can do to raise a confident child. Don’t solve the problem for them. Take a minute to think about how you communicate with your child when they are trying to solve a problem or make a decision. Do you find yourself trying to talk them out of something (or into something)? You may feel that this is helpful, but it is actually preventing … Continue reading

Should you have a pen name?

The question of adopting a pen name comes up for every aspiring author, freelance writer and blogger. Many who spend a lot of time online do not always feel comfortable using their real name. They do not want to bring added attention to their families. Some fear they are opening themselves up to more online undesirables that may intend some type of harm or slander. Many authors decide to write on sensitive material and find using a pen name gives them the ability to relate that material without bringing undo attention on themselves or family. Perhaps some find the idea … Continue reading

Attachment Parenting: My View

Dr. Sears said that attachment parenting is natural. He went on to say that if a parent were on a desert island and had no parenting knowledge then attachment parenting would be the road that parent would naturally head down. I completely agree. Let me start off by saying that I did not practice attachment parenting to the letter. I will say that if I had a baby again, I would implement more attachment parenting into my parenting style. My expertise with attachment parenting extends to breastfeeding up to 15 months, co-sleeping here and there, using a sling, feeding on … Continue reading

Raise a Child in the Way He Should Go

The biggest question on my mind, as a single parent, is always, am I doing the right thing? Am I making choices that will benefit Hailey. Am I setting a good example, am I teaching my child to be strong, independent and an asset to our society? No one has all the answers, and sometimes, even when you do the right things, things don’t always turn out like you plan. Minute by minute you are making small choices and big decisions that impact your childs life and who they will become. Sometimes we forget how huge the little things are, … Continue reading

Should Children and Teens Be Forced to Attend Church?

If you are a church-going family, the odds are high that at some point you may deal with having a child who is no longer interested in attending. This can especially become a challenge when children reach their teenage years. So how do you handle that? Should you force your child or teen to go to church? Well there are two sides of logic when it comes to this issue. There is the side that believes forcing a teen to attend church will only turn them off more. Forcing an issue can sometimes make them more resistant. There is the … Continue reading

Ringing in the New Year…With or Without My Children

It is one of my most favorite times of the year, New Year’s Eve. My family has always had a tradition of spending it together. We splurge on food items like lobster, shrimp or steak. I stock up on plenty of Welch’s Sparkling Grape Juice. And I always buy a new game for us to play. Most years we also watch a “Three Stooges” marathon. Some years we toast the New Year in while sitting in our hot tub. Other years my eyes are barely open as the clock strikes midnight. But the point is that we are always together. … Continue reading

Children Turning Parents against Each Other

Children have a funny way of turning parents against each other. It often starts when they are young. They will ask mommy something and if she says no, then they may go to daddy and ask him. If he says yes, then mommy ends up mad and he ends up feeling defensive. Or the same can happen with the roles switched. In a marriage you have to guard against many things. The ability for children to turn spouses against each other is just one of them. It can become even trickier as they get older. Suddenly you are dealing with … Continue reading

Can You Homeschool When You’re Sick All the Time?

Recently, one of my readers asked me if it’s possible to homeschool when you’re sick all the time. I’d like to take a moment to answer that question, coming from a place of experience because quite frankly, I’ve been sick most of my life. No need to go into a long list of all my ailments, but we’ll just say that health and I have not been the very best of friends. First of all, yes, it’s extremely possible. You can adapt your schooling style to meet your own limitations. You can do low-key activities on days when your energy … Continue reading

The Difference Between Moodiness and Bipolar Disorder

I was talking to a co-worker the other day and we were discussing a teenage client who has extreme mood swings. One minute he’s happy go lucky, joking and laughing, the next he’s angry at the world and wants to hurt someone. “I’m guessing he’s Bipolar ,” my peer said. I just rolled my eyes. Often people will say things like this when dealing with moody people. After all, most know that people who suffer from Bipolar Disorder have extreme ups and extreme downs. The misconception that most people have is that these ups and downs happen quickly, like mood … Continue reading

Finding Your Child’s Passions

She loves skating, swimming, birds, playing with languages, and snuggling in the bed reading books. She dislikes playing the violin (so far), jumping into water, and being asked to do any structured learning activity that doesn’t seem like fun at the time. She’s getting into reading, although this falls into the middle ground between snuggling with books and structured learning activities that sometimes seem hard. She’s my daughter, and like all children she is a wonderful mix of interests and deep dislikes. Schooled children may or may not find their passions in school. Maybe your child adores math. Then again, … Continue reading