Scouting and the homeschool portfolio

Some time back, Julie Gentry wrote about using scouting to fulfill homeschool requirements. She described what she called scout school and how easy it was to integrate it into homeschool academics. As scouts get older, and parents and kids get more serious about crossing all of the t’s and dotting all of the i’s, some homeschoolers may be tempted to put the homeschool badges aside in exchange for a real education. In my estimation this is a bad idea. Not only can scouting be used to motivate young students to learn social studies, science, and health, but it can also … Continue reading

How to Align Hobbies and Curriculum

A cool byproduct of homeschooling is the elimination of educational redundancies. What I mean by this is that if the child has a hobby or activity that fulfills a homeschool requirement, then it can serve as part of the child’s curriculum, instead of having to spend ”schooling time” repeating what they have already learned. Julie Gentry, a guest blogger on homeschooling, explains how she does this with scouting. Here is how you can align your child’s hobbies and curriculum. Step 1: Observe: Look at your children’s activities and take note of them, especially the activities they do “just for fun”. … Continue reading

17 Essentials of College Planning by Carolina Pad

Planning for college is exciting but it can also be exhausting and overwhelming. The most important tool in planning for college is organization. When I was in school I once had a teacher say that proper organizational skills alone could raise your grade. Over the years I have found that logic to be sound not only in school but in all areas of life. College is a very important step and scribbling notes on Post-Its or the back of a gum wrapper will not cut it. You need to order your steps to see the greatest success in this process. … Continue reading

But I don’t know how to teach organic chemistry?

One of the biggest criticisms of homeschool naysayers and one of the biggest concerns of homeschool parents are one in the same. Each asks how it is possible to teach a subject you do not know. If you are homeschooling a preschooler through elementary student, you not have asked yourself this question just yet. However, as time goes on and you are responsible for the education of a junior high school or high school student you may begin to tremble in fear at the thought of teaching higher math or science. You may feel lost when teaching the importance of … Continue reading