2006 in Review: Homeschooling Blog at a Glance

As a new homeschooling blogger at Families.com, I wanted to know everything that has been discussed to date. In response to my own curiosity, and in an effort to make perusing our articles easier for you, our readers, I have compiled all of the blogs for the year 2006. Deciding to Homeschool Why homeschool Am I qualified for this? Reasons that Homeschooling Works! My Most Important Advice for Homeschoolers. The Cost of Homeschooling Instead of standing up for their own kids, why not stand up for all kids? Disclaimer: I am hardly an expert in education. Did You Know? ‘Empirical … Continue reading

Building a Homeschool Library: The Classics (Part II)

Previously, we discussed why classic books are important. I will continue this article with how to start and compile your collection of classic books. Where do I find classic books? Shop around. You can find classic books in many places, but since they are going to be in your home library for some time, I recommend you get leather bound books in good to fair condition. When building your in-home library of classic books, you should check the thrift stores for leather bound books. This is going to be your best deals price-wise, though for me the dust is prohibitive. … Continue reading