Plagiarism Part 1

I’ve labeled this “Plagiarism Part 1” not because it will be part of some short series of blogs placed closely together but because the topic is important and I know I’ll write on it again sometime in the future. My position as an educator puts me into contact with a large number of students each semester and I can confidently say that many of them did not learn what they should have in high school. I don’t blame them because many of them have never heard of plagiarism before. Rather, I blame their teachers. Even beyond understanding the definition of … Continue reading

Reasons I am Glad We Homeschool: School Bus Incidents

For the last couple of days an instance of school bus violence has dominated education news and blogs. Basically, a white student got on the school bus and no one would allow him to sit down next to them. (There where both white and black kids on the bus refusing him.) The driver yelled for the kids to sit down so he moved the book bag of a black kid and sat down. Other students began to instigate and the black boy who he sat next to attacked him. A few minutes later it appeared that the first attacker had … Continue reading

Reasons I am glad we homeschool: Presidential Address

You might think I am glad we homeschool so my kids won’t have to see the upcoming Presidential address to students next week that will be fed to school all over the country. In actuality, I will record it so we can watch it later. What I am glad about is that fact that we don’t have have to participate in the debate or deal with the hysteria surrounding a simple stay in school speech. Here is an excerpt from what is planned. “At noon on Tuesday, September 8th the President will be welcoming America’s students back to school – … Continue reading

Reasons I am glad we homeschool: Swine Flu

Let me begin by stating that I do not believe for a second that by homeschooling my kids that they will not be exposed to swine flu or a similar kind of yuck. Just this year, we have experienced more yuck episodes than in the last few years. Our drama club was a hot bed of germs. We had stomach viruses. We had the flu. We had a second round of stomach viruses, and a little bit of strep come our way. Let me tell you, if you were in our particular group of homeschoolers, or remotely related to us, … Continue reading

Reasons I am glad we homeschool: Humiliation

I just read an article by the education blogger about a family who felt humiliation might be the key to get their child to try harder in school. The family punished their kids for bad grades by making him stand on a corner for six hours with a placard announcing his bad grades and that his “future=shaky”. As homeschoolers we also have times when we feel a child is not putting forth his or her best effort academically. The thing is that lack of academic effort is usually a symptom of a bigger problem. As parents we must ask ourselves: … Continue reading

Reasons I am glad we homeschool: Cheating on tests

Were you aware that students print cheat sheets in a very small font, then tape them to the inside of a water bottle label. The water magnifies the text, and walla! They get an easy A? Were you aware that students scan a coke label, and then edit in a graphic design program to have information on the exam instead of the ingredients? Neither did I? Did you know that you can purchase a pen that you can tape cheat information in and each time you click the barrel, it reveals more information? I am amazed. Did you know you … Continue reading