Gardening is Great for Kids With Special Needs

There are many things about gardening that can be beneficial to children who have special needs. Parents don’t necessarily need to have a “green thumb” in order to set up a small garden for their child. Working in a garden can help kids become calm, and to develop useful skills. Gardening is a peaceful activity, which is why so many people enjoy doing it. There can be a tremendous amount of work involved with gardening, especially if the garden is a large one. The work may be hard, but it has a purpose, which tends to make people happier about … Continue reading

Real Life Science: Gardening Activities That Kids Will Enjoy

Some of us enjoy gardening. Some of have children who enjoy gardening. Others are not so lucky. Ah, it is far from the days when my daughter used to look at me adoringly and follow my every move. I think that happened for a few months, anyway. It didn’t last. Now, she’s much more interested in doing her own thing. If I suggest an activity that I enjoy and she does not, faces are made. Sure, we still do activities that she’s not particularly fond of, but I don’t like to push the matter. I want her to love gardening … Continue reading

Fun Springtime Activities

Ahh the birds are chirping, the air is beginning to get warmer and the sun is shining brightly. I live in a cold climate area, and while we enjoy many outdoor winter activities, I am always relieved when the tulips poke through the chilled soil and we hear the first Robin song. My children and I love to shake the dust off after a long winter, get back outside and have fun together. Since I am budget conscious, the majority of the activities we do together as a family are little or no cost outings. Try one or more of … Continue reading