Reading Makes for Great Vocabularies!

“You know what I realized,” my six-year-old said to me the other day. I didn’t catch just what it was that he realized—I was silently chuckling over his choice of words. He listens to his older brothers and sister talk, and to his parents talk, and he picks up on our phrases and the words we use. As I listen to all my children as they converse, I just have to give myself a pat on the back—we’re a family of readers, and it shows. The English language is amazing. We have words to indicate every nuance of what we’re … Continue reading

Your Kids: Your Best Pieces of Evidence

We’ve all been there—someone finds out you homeschool, and they question your decision. Sometimes they are genuinely curious, sometimes they are looking for reasons to debate. Regardless of their intent, we know we need to answer them calmly and reasonably—no reason to add fuel to a fire they may have because of past negative interactions with another homeschooler. We’ve memorized some statistics and we feel ready to answer any questions that might come our way. We’ve prepared answers from an educational standpoint, from a spiritual standpoint, and we might even have scribbled key words on the cuffs of our sleeves … Continue reading

Borders Books Bankruptcy

It’s been big news here in the Dallas Metroplex that Borders Books is closing 19 area stores. Borders is going through bankruptcy. I hate when I hear that stores I enjoy are in trouble. I’ve shopped at one of the stores that’s closing. What’s funny is when Starbucks announced that it was closing a large number of stores, more of them kept being built in our area. I am so happy that those stores opened. I’m a reader. I grew up in a family of readers. Bookstores have always been a part of the places where I like to shop. … Continue reading

Check Your Homelearner’s Eyes and Ears!

We trundled over to the health center yesterday to get my daughter’s eyes and ears tested. I knew that her ears were fine, but I just wanted to make doubly sure. Her eyes I was a little doubtful about – while she has great distance vision, unlike her mother, her reading vision was a little off last time we checked. It turns out it is still borderline, so we are off to the eye doctor to get it sorted out. When babies are born, they are really good at seeing what they need to see, which is their mother’s chest … Continue reading