The Importance of Menu Planning

We save more money when I practice menu planning. I have to admit that far too often, I just wing it with figuring out what is going to be for dinner, and that tends to lead to more spending, either because we decide to go out to eat, we use up the more expensive convenience foods we keep on hand for emergencies, or we ignore our pantry or fridge and have more expired food. Since one of my goals this year is to stay on track with grocery spending, I am adding regular menu planning to the list of practices. … Continue reading

Save Money by Planning Ahead

Dear overachiever mom who attached stuffed animals to the Valentine’s Day cards your kid passed out at school last week:  I don’t hate you.  Never mind, that all my 8-year-old Scotch-taped to her Snoopy Love Day cards were small packages of Skittles.  Not six-inch plush puppies.  I’m sure you never intended to make the rest of us parents feel like inadequate, uninspired, cheap losers. Listen, I considered flexing my creative muscle and having my kid attach snack-sized bags of peanuts to the cards.  Get it?  Snoopy, Charlie Brown, Lucy… the Peanuts gang?  Of course, sending nuts to school in this … Continue reading

Tips to Avoid Insurance Claims on New Year’s Eve

New Year’s Eve is often celebrated with a party, lots of drinks, and a countdown to the New Year. The point is to have fun with your friends and loved ones. No one wants to have their fun spoiled by something that involves the filing of an insurance claim. Here are some safety tips for New Year’s Eve. Last year, a poll was done by Met Life Auto and Home Safety Pulse. It included questions about safety issues that can arise during a holiday party that takes place in one’s home. The results showed that many hosts ignore important safety … Continue reading

Planning and Preparing for Holiday Baking

I have been spending the past few days planning my holiday baking.  Each trip I make to the store, I pick up some of the ingredients. Normally my baking takes place a couple of weeks before Christmas.  But since my military son won’t be home until a couple of days before, I am doing my baking the week he is home so that he can enjoy the yummy treats. The ingredients for baking can get expensive.  So if you plan early enough what you are going to make, you can create a master list.  Then instead of purchasing everything at … Continue reading

Winter Meal Planning

It feels like I am constantly running to the grocery store. If I’m lucky, I only go a couple of times during the week. But more often it ends up being three or four times that I visit. Now that it’s gotten colder and I am thinking ahead to the winter months, my goal is to eliminate unnecessary trips to the store. The only way I can really do that is to improve my meal planning skills. Last year I had this great idea of trying three new recipes every week. I was tired of cooking the same things over … Continue reading

It’s Easy to Find Information on Medicaid in New Hampshire

Each and every state has a Medicaid program. Some states do not post vital information about their Medicaid program on the state’s website. New Hampshire, on the other hand, makes it very easy to find out key information about their Medicaid program. It’s so nice when states want to help people! Medicaid is a public, or government run, form of health insurance. It is designed to cover individuals and families that are low income and who cannot afford to purchase a health plan from a private insurance company. Medicaid is funded, in part, by the federal government. It is also … Continue reading

New Jersey has Three Programs for Pregnant Women

Each state has its own Medicaid program. Every Medicaid program includes some coverage for women who are pregnant. The exact coverage can vary from one state to another. New Jersey has three Medicaid programs that cover women who are pregnant. Medicaid is a public, or government run, form of health insurance. It is designed to provide health insurance coverage for individuals and families who are low income and who cannot afford to buy a health plan from a private insurance company. Medicaid is funded, in part, by the federal government. It is also funded by the government of an individual … Continue reading

Things to Know About Medicaid in New Jersey

There is a Medicaid program in every state. Specific coverage and eligibility will vary from one state to the next. Here are some important things to know about the Medicaid program in New Jersey. Medicaid is a public, or government run, form of health insurance coverage. It is designed to cover individuals and families who are low income and who cannot afford to buy a health plan from a private insurance company. Medicaid gets some of its funding from the federal government. It also is funded by the government of an individual state. In New Jersey, Medicaid is administered by … Continue reading

How to Save $200 on a New Appliance

The washing machine breaks down in the middle of a stressful week. The dryer stops tumbling. The dishwasher starts leaking right before your major party. The refrigerator just isn’t big enough to feed your family or for entertaining. Your 40-year-old stove blows up. You need a new appliance. You need it now. You don’t want to spend a fortune. The above scenarios have all happened to us within the last few years. So, you might say that we are getting pretty experienced at buying appliances. Learn from that experience with the following tips that will save you at least $200 … Continue reading

Texas Yearbook Labels Some Students as “Mentally Retarded”

A high school in Texas has a big problem with their yearbooks. Someone decided to add the label of “mentally retarded” to the photos of several students who had disabilities. The yearbooks have been collected and are going back to the printer, but, this is not enough for the parents of some the students who were affected by this situation. There is something special about a high school yearbook. Teenagers look forward to receiving their yearbook. They excitedly pass them around, and sign the yearbooks of their friends. Imagine how upsetting it would be to open your high school yearbook … Continue reading