Perceptions of homeschooling: Homeschoolers are lazy

Newsflash! Homeschooling is not going to make your life easier. A regular complaint about homeschooling is that people say homeschoolers are lazy and taking the easy way out. Homeschoolers don’t have to get up in the morning to take their kids to school. Homeschoolers can take days off when they want. Homeschoolers give their kids books and leave them to educate themselves. While homeschoolers may be able to sleep in, take days off, and self learn, does not mean that homeschooling is born out of laziness. It is far easier for a parent to drag a kid out of bed … Continue reading

Perceptions of Homeschooling from the Media

I just read a 10 page article on homeschooling that showed up in my Google Alerts today. It actually turned out to be dated Oct 5, 1998, but it came to my email box as new news. Still, there were several statements in this article about homeschooling that caught my eye. I will address them below. “Americans are becoming fussy consumers rather than trusting captives of a state monopoly,” says Chester Finn, a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute, a Washington, D.C., think tank. “”They’ve declared their independence and are taking matters into their own hands.” I don’t think that … Continue reading

Perceptions of Homeschooling: When others think you are doing a bad job

One of the hardest parts of being a homeschooler is dealing with the criticism that goes along with it. Just reading the occasional article or blog makes it clear that by homeschooling people have the perception that we are doing a bad job with my kids. Many of us do try to prove that we are not doing a bad job. We write, we blog, we discuss, we try and try and try to prove to the general public that we are good parents and educators. This approach however is a colossal waste of time. It tends to come across … Continue reading

The Ultimate Social Studies Field Trip: Talk With Your Elected Officials!

Recently, my daughter and I embarked upon the ultimate social studies field trip. It wasn’t supposed to be one. In fact, since she’s often bored at meetings, I try to limit her exposure to them somewhat. After all, I am involved in many community organizations and go to a lot of meetings! We’re in Canada, where we have city, provincial, and federal elected officials. That morning, I was on my way to talk with our provincial official about several health and environmental issues. This particular person is quite approachable, and I’ve spoken with her several times. It was funny, though. … Continue reading

Are You a Teacher?

Are you a teacher? Of course you are. Do you have a degree in education? Perhaps not. People have odd perceptions of homeschooling, and one of them is that you need some background in education to teach your kids. Do you really? Of course not! What are the advantages of being a parent-teacher? While teachers have the advantage of being at arm’s length from your child, thereby having some far-away authority, you have the advantage of being connected to your child. You understand your child. It is true that teachers and other adults often see things in your child that … Continue reading