Peer Pressure in the Homeschool Family

As a homeschooling family, we find ourselves less affected by peer pressure on a daily basis than those who are involved in a public school environment. In fact, this is the reason many families choose to homeschool. But making this decision does not protect us from all forms of peer pressure. It still exists, and probably always will, as long as we are humans living on this earth. First, there’s the pressure to constantly explain our choice to homeschool. Many of our friends and family will understand our reasoning and respect it, even if they don’t agree with it. But … Continue reading

Dealing with the Criticism – the Parents’ Job

It’s a completely normal occurrence. Jimmy goes to soccer practice. Coach says, “Hey, Jimmy, why’d your parents decide to teach you at home?” Maybe Coach genuinely wants to know. Maybe Coach wants to razz him a little. In either case, Jimmy’s now in an awkward position – that of defending a choice his parents made, without his parents present. It doesn’t matter how he replies – it’s still awkward. Ideally, this would be a question that Coach would pose directly to the parents. After all, they’re the ones who made the decision. But those who ask the questions aren’t always … Continue reading

Stress and Teens

Teenagers are under a lot of stress. I’m more than a decade out of my teens and can still remember worrying about grades, going off to college, choosing a major, keeping in touch with my friends, leaving home, and a hundred other things. Kids and adults share a lot of the same sources of stress — moving, the death of a family member, family financial problems, dealing with peers. But teens also have some unique sources of stress, including: Changes in their bodies The transition between childhood and adulthood Overloading on extra-curricular activities Figuring out what comes after high school … Continue reading