Money-Saving Packing Strategies

I took a crash course in efficient packing shortly after I was forced to fork over $100 to United Airlines for failing to keep my bags under 50 pounds. For an extra $150, I could have purchased my bag a seat and let it ride next to me on my flight. I kicked myself for months following that debacle.  It was a costly mistake that should have never happened. With holiday travel peaking in a few days, consider the following packing tips so that you won’t be forced to shell out extra dough on your flight to grandma’s house: Make … Continue reading

Fall Travel for Frugalistas

The key to saving money while you enjoy a fabulous fall getaway is to visit places that allow you to get the most bang for your buck. For example, if you are planning to take a road trip to pick pumpkins or apples this autumn consider visiting a larger all-inclusive establishment. Some orchards and farms offer you the chance to not only pick your own produce, but also provide hayrides, food samples and access to petting zoos (complete with pigs, chicks, rabbits, sheep, cows, and more) minus the extra charge. Mackey’s Orchard in Belvidere, New Jersey, offers customers a 20-minute … Continue reading

A Close Call

While I was on my trip to Texas, I had a scary moment involving my baby. I was busy working on getting my bags packed to head home the next day. A family member had graciously offered to keep track of the baby while I packed. He was very needy on that trip and just wanted me the whole time, so I was grateful for the break. I stayed inside the lake house packing and occasionally glanced outside where my kids were on the pier with several adults. I wasn’t worried. I knew they were all being looked after. At … Continue reading

Avoid the Pains of Packing

One of the downsides of taking a vacation is packing. Let’s face it; packing is a pain. Fortunately, there is a way to lighten the pressure of gathering travel essentials and placing them in various bags. The key: Keep it simple. Given the astronomical luggage fees imposed by commercial airlines these days it’s best to streamline your packing. Don’t take items that you can find at your travel destination. For example, most hotels feature hair dryers, towels, shampoo and bathrobes, so keep yours at home. If you are worried that your accommodations won’t have certain necessities, call and ask, so … Continue reading

Traveling For The Holidays

As the holidays get closer many people get prepared to travel to visit family for the holidays. As a single parent sometimes just getting everyone out the door on time in the morning is a challenge so traveling requires a bit of planning. First, if you are flying try to fly on less busy days and times. The flight will be much easier if your little one has some room to spread out. If you are going to be driving I always found it easier to plan most of my driving around nap times. It’s boring to sit in a … Continue reading

Moving Day

Moving is always a lot of work, I should know, I’ve lived in more places than I can count as an adult. It is even more overwhelming as a single mom. Everything is work, from beginning to end, there are no short cuts, no easy ways out, you just have to bite the bullet and do it. In my many moves I have found that being organized is key, especially with kids. Everyone laughs at me because all of my boxes have a number and a room name on them and there is a master list which lists everything in … Continue reading

Still …. Unpacking

Five days after we officially moved in, my adrenaline rush finally wore off and I crashed. My energy was completely sapped. For five days I woke up between 5:30 and 6:30 in the morning. I finally took advantage of my free-er schedule and slept in until 10:00AM. Ooh mistake!! I woke up nauseated. I ate some scrambled eggs and went back to sleep because I felt really gross. I slept for the next three hours. When I woke up again I was still extremely nauseated. I ate a peanut butter sandwich with a glass of water but it didn’t help … Continue reading


Normally I am really good at getting things clean and organized. The last time we moved I was seven months pregnant and I had the house in order in two days flat. The difficulty with a first trimester move is the lack of energy and nausea that tends to come with it. We also have three levels now instead of just one. While this helps keep items more segregated, running up and down stairs isn’t my idea of fun. The first room that needs to be organized is the kitchen. My mom graciously offers to help me get the kitchen … Continue reading

The Day After

Valentine’s Day has been and gone here in Australia but the feeling, the romance the caring for each other needs to remain. Yes, it is great to celebrate a special day like Valentine’s Day or a wedding anniversary, but make sure you don’t let the romance and the feeling of Valentine’s Day dissipate after the day. Those little acts of showing your spouse you care need to be an everyday occurrence. Each day ensure you find one thing at least to encourage your marriage partner about, or one thing you can do to show them you love them and that … Continue reading

Moving Day

As much as I hate moving, I’m pretty sure my baby hates it more. My husband and I believe in attachment parenting, so she’s spent most of her life in some sort of sling or wrap. She likes it, we like it, and everyone is happy. However, we’re moving in less than a week, and when there’s an apartment to pack up, the rules change. When I’m moving heavy boxes and lifting things off of high shelves, I don’t feel safe having her in tow. For that reason, she’s been spending a lot of time entertaining herself. She’s very good … Continue reading