Homeschoolers take back the mall

As I walked through the mall today I noticed several things. The first thing I noticed was that there were numerous school age kids in the mall with their parents. I realized they were homeschoolers, not because of dress, not because of mannerisms, but because of the way they took their time shopping and enjoying the after Christmas clearance sales. They weren’t hurried, or frazzled as shoppers have inhabited the mall for the last month or so. They were just intently examining clothing and other items and making purchasing decisions. (Experienced homeschoolers know the best time to shop is after … Continue reading

Is your homeschoolers plate too full?

I sat down and counted all of the activities my homeschoolers were in this year and realized that their plates just might be too full. Looking at my son’s schedule, I counted Drama club, Chorus, Introduction to Drama Class, Piano Lessons, Music Theory Class, Worldview class, and Avid Editing. That is just on Monday. On Thursdays he takes, Geometry, Spanish, History, Physical Science, and Language Arts. He also takes Fencing class once or twice a week. Holy Moly… That is 13 different classes. Technically 3 of them are clubs, but you get the picture. That is a lot of pressure … Continue reading

Ways to Celebrate Thanksgiving with Your Spouse

How do you normally celebrate Thanksgiving? Do you stuff yourself on the traditional turkey fare? Once stuffed, do you then collapse in front of the TV to half nap, half watch football? Do you rush between houses to see all branches of the family tree? Or does your whole family gather in one place and play games, like perhaps a friendly match of touch football? Last year Wayne and I went to Denver, where our families both live, and caught up with everyone. That was a big deal for us, because most years we’re pretty low key. Either we get … Continue reading