Unnecessary Tests Raise Costs of Care

Your doctor prescribes a series of tests that he or she wants you to go through. Do you really need them? Unnecessary tests can waste time, and increase the cost of treatment. It can also lead to false alarms, which can result in harm to the patient. Do you really need that medical test that your doctor is suggesting? Studies have shown that not every patient needs to undergo each and every medical test that exists. For example, experts say that cancer screenings tend to be overused, and overprescribed, by doctors. One example of this is with mammograms. Many doctors … Continue reading

Bugged Out

There’s a nasty four-letter word being used ad nauseam at my daughter’s elementary school. L-I-C-E! Just looking at the word makes my head itch. Thankfully, thankfully, thankfully, on-my-knees-with-gratitude, thankfully, my daughter passed the all-school scalp check and was sent home with a two-page letter from the city health department rather than a head full of nits. Unfortunately, more than a dozen other kids at the school were not as fortunate. Still, it’s not like the lice-free kids should be bragging about their good luck because thanks to a new school policy, which was recently instituted by the American Academy of … Continue reading

Unfortunate but Necessary Changes in Education

I was at a funeral this week. Funerals tend to be large gatherings of families. One consequence of these events is that people get to talking and catching up about one another’s lives. I was the “in-law” at this particular funeral. My wife and I were particular targets for “catching up” because we live so far away (near 1000 miles) and because of my somewhat bizarre Ph.D. in fine arts (specifically theatre). One of these conversations tended towards education and I’d like to share that here. “You can’t do anything anymore.” This was the cry of one family member at … Continue reading

Marriage Blog, I Bid You Farewell

An adventure that began two years ago in Pets, then expanded to Marriage a little over a year ago when I first introduced myself here, has reached journey’s end. Today I’m writing to say farewell. Dale should be rejoining you all very shortly. She’s already back to posting in Christian so I imagine it won’t be long before she makes a reappearance here. You’re also going to get a new face to Marriage, but definitely not to Families.com. Mary Ann Romans is one of Families most prolific bloggers. She’s written in different categories over the years and is currently covering … Continue reading

The Most Talked About Homeschooling Blogs in 2007

This is my annual list of the most talked about blogs in 2007. We love comments, and the more the better! If you have been wanting to peruse the homeschooling blog but weren’t sure where to start. . .this is the place to be! My Top 5 Math Curriculum Picks In Defense of Teaching Creation Too Much Information Homeschooling or Housekeeping? Why We Are Not Testing Our Gifted Son Reason #2 Why Tax Credits Are Wrong for Homeschoolers You Call That Homeschooling? The National Lunch Association Takes Aim at Those Who Dare to Eat at Home It Has Been a … Continue reading

Don’t Get Discouraged When Rebuilding Your Life

Life after a separation, divorce, death or other crisis that has brought you to single parenthood can be a real roller coaster. Even for those of us who CHOOSE to become single parents, the realities of life as a solo mom or dad may be quite different from what we expected. The important thing is to have patience with yourself and with the adjustment process; keep putting one foot in front of the other, and try not to get discouraged. Rebuilding a life can be tough! No one said it was going to be easy, sure, but many of us … Continue reading

Homeschool Diploma Instead of GED

For students struggling through high school and faced with dropping out and getting a GED (General Equivalency Diploma), a homeschool diploma is also a legitimate option. Students struggle with high school for different reasons. Some of the problems are social; others are academic. Regardless of the reason your high school aged homeschooler is facing dropping out of school, their only option for showing they have completed high school is get a GED. A GED however, may suggest to future employers, or prospective colleges that your child is damaged goods. There is a certain stigma to the GED. It means, for … Continue reading

Is a GED necessary?

Does a homeschool graduate need a GED (General Equivalency Diploma) in order to be a “real” graduate? Is a homeschool diploma considered a legitimate diploma? There was a time, back in the dark ages of homeschooling (when only a few courageous pioneers were bravely bucking the system) that most of what was done by homeschoolers was deemed illegitimate, including bestowing on them a “homemade diploma.” I remember being in that camp myself, laughing at what I thought were the backward, uninformed few who wanted to keep their children behind closed doors. (I was a teenager at the time, who knew … Continue reading

The Eat Clean Diet

The Eat Clean diet is one that has gained popularity over the years. The main idea is to choose foods that are unprocessed. It is always a good idea to speak with a doctor before starting a new diet. What is the Eat Clean Diet? The Eat Clean Diet is different from other diets because it encourages a lifestyle approach that includes healthy eating and exercise. The main idea is to avoid foods that are “unclean”. In general, this means people who choose the Eat Clean Diet are consuming whole foods and avoiding processed foods that contain artificial flavorings, artificial … Continue reading

Kids Today Aren’t Assigned Chores

Do you require your children to do chores? I don’t mean the occasional request to help with a little bit of cleaning. Instead, I mean regularly assigned tasks that you expect your child to complete on a daily or weekly basis. It appears that the majority of parents today are not assigning chores to their children. A survey conducted by Whirlpool found that 82% of Americans did chores when they were children. That same survey found that only 28% of parents today are assigning their children chores. What changed between today and when the current generation of parents were kids? … Continue reading