They will come to you and ask to learn things

I was told by a fellow homeschooler many years ago when I began homeschooling. The prospect of my kids approaching me saying teach me about A, I would like to learn more about B, or buy me a book about C, really excited me. Over the years, however, I began to give up hope that it would ever happen. I have tried many times to turn a simple question into a teachable moment. The kids however never fell for it. If the asked me to distinguish types of clouds for them, I would try to get them to look it … Continue reading

Interview with a Graduating Unschooler: Andi Enns Part 3

I was contacted recently by a young lady who had created a guide to unschooling for teens. I found her personal story quite interesting and new I had to interview here. Part 1 of this interview addressed her early homeschool years and her switch from homeschooling to unschooling. Part 2 discussed getting into college and getting scholarships. Here is the third and final part of the interview. What unique experiences did homeschooling provide? I know that a lot of new homeschooling parents and their friends and family are concerned with the socialization aspect. One of my unique experiences was the … Continue reading

Interview with a Graduating Unschooler: Andi Enns Part 2

I was contacted recently by a young lady who had created a guide to unschooling for teens. I found her personal story quite interesting and new I had to interview here. Part 1 of this interview addressed her early homeschool years and her switch from homeschooling to unschooling. Here is part 2 of that interview. How did you fulfill requirements for graduation and college admission? Something I read in a book entitled “What Colleges Don’t Tell You” by Elizabeth Wissner-Gross really summed up my college admissions process. She said that colleges don’t necessarily want well-rounded students, but a well-rounded class … Continue reading

Interview with a Graduating Unschooler: Andi Enns Part 1

I was contacted recently by a young lady who had created a guide to unschooling for teens. I found her personal story quite interesting and new I had to interview here. Here is part 1 of that interview. Who was your primary teacher when you were homeschooled? It was a really fair mix between my parents. It depended on what I was learning about and which of them was personally passionate about it. My mom created a lot of theme units for me during my elementary years, about whatever I was interested in. I remember studying insects for a long … Continue reading