Your Gifted Child Needs Support

If your child has been identified as gifted or is currently being evaluated, you might feel a little lost about navigating through the whole thing. How do you determine what is best for your child, where are the resources and support? One thing you will quickly find if you google “gifted resources” or “navigating gifted resources” is that there are a lot of websites to help parents. Unfortunately for those of us in the United States, most of those websites are by and for citizens of other countries. The few ones centered on the Unites States tend to be commercial … Continue reading

Teachers vs. Homeschoolers, an analogy

Is it really necessary for teachers and homeschoolers to be at such odds? I spent some time at the Teacher Revised blog this week as writer Jesse Scaccia found it necessary to write a series of articles about homeschooling. Article number 1, The case against homeschooling poked lightheartedly about the flaws of homeschooling. Both point 10 and point 1 clearly stated that homeschoolers were nerds. This blog post was a bad idea and homeschoolers made it a point to say so. The hundreds of angry, insulted, and hurt comments made that clear… not to mention the dozens of blog posts … Continue reading

I’m Still Sort of Really Qualified to Homeschool a Gifted Child. . .I Think

This is part of a series. . .if you missed the first two blogs you may want to go back and read part one and part two. Realizing My Skill as THE Homeschool Teacher I’m not a math dummy. I actually feel pretty confident that with the right curriculum I can get my kids through Calculus. I never anticipated having to think about what to do after Calculus. But here I am, teaching a 7 year old, and wondering where to go after Calculus in a few years. I’m not THE ultimate homeschool teacher. . .but I’ve realized that I … Continue reading

I’m Still Sort Of Really Qualified to Homeschool a Gifted Child

A big thanks to Andrea for letting me share our adventures with Alex over the past year or so. In case you’re just joining us. . .Alex is our son and he is a little bit smart. This is part 2 of a series about choosing curriculum for him. I hope you find it helpful if you’re just starting to navigate the road of homeschooling a gifted child. Mom Panics I left our story last by describing the first leg of our journey–where I panicked. Last year, Alex flew through three whole grade levels of curriculum. But it was the … Continue reading

I’m (Sort Of) Really Qualified to Homeschool a Gifted Child

A big thanks to Andrea for inviting me to share in the adventures of homeschooling our kids who have grown a bit since the last time I wrote. The last time I wrote, I had two children that I was homeschooling full time. Now I have three full time and two part time–Lizzy who is in 4th grade, Alex who is in 2nd, Meghan who is in K and the twins who are so insistent that they too be homeschooled that despite my reservations about preschool, they too get some “school time.” (Don’t worry folks, just reading out loud and … Continue reading