The Most Talked About Homeschooling Blogs in 2007

This is my annual list of the most talked about blogs in 2007. We love comments, and the more the better! If you have been wanting to peruse the homeschooling blog but weren’t sure where to start. . .this is the place to be! My Top 5 Math Curriculum Picks In Defense of Teaching Creation Too Much Information Homeschooling or Housekeeping? Why We Are Not Testing Our Gifted Son Reason #2 Why Tax Credits Are Wrong for Homeschoolers You Call That Homeschooling? The National Lunch Association Takes Aim at Those Who Dare to Eat at Home It Has Been a … Continue reading

Homeschooling Blog Week in Review: September 23 to September 30

Welcome to the home school blog’s week in review. If you have some reading to catch up on, here’s the place to start. As always, we welcome comments and suggestions if you have any ideas of things you’d like us to cover. Links to the ‘Resource of the Day’ Blog (I know no one wants to miss these!) 9/23/07 9/24/07 9/25/07 9/26/07 9/27/07 9/28/07 9/29/07 9/30/07 September 23 Activites and Resources to Study Johnny Appleseed This is the perfect season for apple picking and with that an interesting historical unit on the American pioneer, Johnny Appleseed. John Chapman, who was … Continue reading

Just do it!

“Just do it!” Most everyone is familiar with the Nike slogan. Though their slogan is usually referring to different physical activities, it can refer to a lot of things in life. Homeschooling is definitely one of them. Not to say that everyone should run around saying just homeschool. That isn’t where I am going with this. What I am saying is when someone decides to homeschool, they should just do it. They need to jump in and start. Don’t get frozen from fear. There are so many choices when it comes to homeschooling. Curriculum, learning styles, teaching styles, notebooking, lapbooking, … Continue reading

I Just Threw Away $200

Learn from my mistake. I might has well have wadded up ten $20 bills and placed them in the trash. I will admit, it was painful. So I’m sharing it here so that those of you who are newer to this can heed the advice of a ‘veteran’ (I’m not sure I have kids old enough such that I could be considered a ‘veteran’ yet. . .) A few years ago when I was looking for something to help teach my daughter French, (clearly before I had a well thought out plan) I took the advice of one solitary friend … Continue reading

Frugal Living Week in Review for September 10-16, 2007

The weather changed drastically here over the past week, and we even had to pull out the fall clothing. It was fun, and I enjoy this weather because it means a much more comfortable outside experience. Plus, the fall and winter months seem to save us money, and I am on a mission to figure out why. Here is what we have been up to in the frugal living blog this week. Frugal Seasonal Clothing Switch This weekend is the weekend where we pull out the fall clothing and pack away the tank tops and flip flops. It is always … Continue reading

Are You a Purger or a Hoarder?

When it comes to your home, are you a purger or a hoarder? What about the other family members, what are they? It can make things interesting when some members of a family are purgers and others are hoarders. But first, let me clarify exactly what we are talking about here. A purger is someone who clears clutter and doesn’t keep things they don’t believe will be used. They tend to throw a lot of things out. Hoarders on the other hand, keep things they don’t need or believe they might need in the future. Either one of these can … Continue reading

Mother Petitions to Remove Kindergartener’s Arrest Record

About a week ago, a kindergartner threw a tantrum while she was at school. This was not a typical, age appropriate, tantrum. The school ended up calling the police, and now, the six year old has an arrest record. Her parents have started a petition to remove any record of the girl’s arrest, and to end the use of police in school discipline. This story started at an elementary school in Milledgeville, Georgia. A six year old kindergarten student had a tantrum. It isn’t unheard of for young children to throw a tantrum every once in a while. The thing … Continue reading

Bill Maher, Tim Tebow, and Jesus

I don’t watch football, but I have more or less been forced to know who Tim Tebow is because everyone is talking about him. Plus, you can’t really surf the Internet without seeing someone tebowing. Tebowing is the act of dropping to one knee and praying thusly named such after Tim Tebow. As the starting quarterback for the Denver Broncos, Tebow performs this gesture to thank God for his success during games. And tebowing has taken off like crazy, with videos and photos of people tebowing popping up all over the Internet. But, this week, Bill Maher came under fire … Continue reading

More Failed Doomsday Predictions – Part 2

I have been blogging about failed doomsday predictions. I knew of a few, but I had no idea how many were out there (and I am sure I’ve still missed many!). Like I said before, I do feel sorry for the followers that get caught up into the teachings of someone, only to find out first hand it wasn’t true. I can’t remember what denomination it was, but I remember seeing a show on television where a minister predicted the end date. His followers believed him and prepared – then nothing happened. It must be a bit devastating to believe … Continue reading

Starting A Collection For Fun and Learning

When home schooling kids there are so many things you can do that incorporate fun and learning. Then again, not having a structured curriculum often leaves you coming up blank with something new to do. This is where starting a collection comes in handy. I always tried to get as much education out of even the smallest activity. Think about it, just baking a cake can incorporate math, nutrition, history, time management, safety, and even spelling. The educational value and fun factor involved with starting and maintaining a collection is unlimited. Each of my three home schooled girls started a … Continue reading