Cool Find: A Kid’s Guide to Drawing America

State history is required in most states. I must admit I am not always up on teaching state history while in the middle of teaching algebra, biology, preschool, American History, Ancient History, Latin, and all other subjects to my children. I teach history chronologically and so far we have not hit the history of my state. After giving this great thought, I realized it is important to take out time to briefly teach the history of my state. After all, it is where we live and one should know about the place they dwell. It is only logical. To help … Continue reading

Are You a Teacher?

Are you a teacher? Of course you are. Do you have a degree in education? Perhaps not. People have odd perceptions of homeschooling, and one of them is that you need some background in education to teach your kids. Do you really? Of course not! What are the advantages of being a parent-teacher? While teachers have the advantage of being at arm’s length from your child, thereby having some far-away authority, you have the advantage of being connected to your child. You understand your child. It is true that teachers and other adults often see things in your child that … Continue reading

Why Do Homeschoolers Speak Negatively of Schools?

After reading a statement that said many homeschoolers speak negatively of schools, I had to stop and search within myself about the truth in that statement. It is a true and unfortunate fact that some homeschoolers can be quite vocal about their disdain or discomfort with public schools. I can also understand that it disturbs many people, especially educators when they hear homeschoolers speak negatively of schools. However, it is generalizing to say that many homeschoolers are negative towards schools. From someone who felt that my only option was to take my kids out of school, I can only say … Continue reading

Benefits of Breastfeeding Are Over Stated

This is the post that almost wasn’t. If you’ve ever read my blog here, you know that I advocate breastfeeding whole heartedly. I do not believe that formula is just as good and I believe that many women who think they “can’t” simply didn’t have the support necessary to continue. Many of you have written me personally to tell me that I’ve helped you to continue by providing good information and support. (To those of you who have written me, I offer a big heart felt thank you–I’m so glad I could help.) But neither have I said that breastfeeding … Continue reading

The Real Problem with Homeschooling

I’ve only been homeschooling for a few years. . .my oldest is in third grade. But like all homeschoolers, I’ve heard my fair share of objections. I’m either unqualified (because you know, colors, numbers and shapes are so hard to master) or my children will be behind socially. I’ve pretty much accepted the fact that we’re misfits and I’m okay with that on a personal level. However, it has always bothered me on a more philosophical level. I mean, we live in a society that is pretty much “live and let live.” No one wants to be told how to … Continue reading

The Lemonade Stand

Yesterday, my children (along with a buddy) did their very first lemonade stand. I realize that lemonade is just about to go out of season but really, we had been meaning to do it all summer and just never got to it. Everyone over the age of four was involved in the lemonade stand and really, it was a pretty big hit. We sold out all of our ingredients and at the very end had to turn people away. . .and we were only out there for about an hour. The experience though, got me thinking about what a great … Continue reading

Mission Possible: Ode to the Cooler

Current BMI: 31 One of the reasons that I like journaling as a means to facilitate weight loss is that it helps me identify patterns. I don’t make a huge production of my journal. I just basically write down whether or not I drank enough water, whether or not I ate 5 to 8 servings of fruits and vegetables and how much if any sweets I ate. (Sweets are my huge weakness.) I might note if I had fast food as well. In any case, I’ve already discovered (or rather rediscovered) something that is going to be a pitfall for … Continue reading

On Homeschooling and Religion, Part 1

Many people make comments about homeschooling being for religious fanatics. They say that homeschoolers are trying to isolate their kids to teach them Christian view-point and creationism solely. My response is generally that I know many homeschoolers that are not Christian, not to mention religious fanatics. However, there is so much more that I would like to say. While it is a fact that my reason for homeschooling has absolutely nothing to do with my Christianity, I quickly realized the treasures that homeschooling held. My kids can study their religion freely. My children do not have to feel uncomfortable expressing … Continue reading

An Argument Against Homeschooling

In The Article Homeschooling: The Bad and the Ugly, Greg Laden lays out what he believes are the problems with homeschooling. In fact, he feels homeschooling is so bad, in fact, that he says, “If I had to choose right now, I would prefer to eliminate home schooling completely rather than let it continue with these problems.” Although in his defense, he says that if these problems can be addressed openly and honestly, then maybe homeschooling can be saved. Here are the problems he presents: Homeschooling cheats the system. In this case, he equates homeschooling to private school. When people … Continue reading

Looking For My Waist: Two Steps Forward?

I am doing better than I was just a few days ago. I hung in there with the good habits I had started, and I am actually craving healthy foods. I love salad… but somehow restaurant salads taste a lot better. The good habits include eating ridiculous amounts of vegetables and fiber filled foods. I have also taken to sipping pomegranate juice instead of downing large amounts of sugar laden fruit juices. Instead I drink a lot more water and tea. Another good habit is constant movement. Even though I write for a living and homeschool my kids, which requires … Continue reading