Learning Social Skills in the Summer

Nothing has plagued the homeschooling movement more than the idea that a child, who is not immersed in a traditional classroom setting, would be deficient in social skills.  In fact, some families have shunned the idea of educating their children at home because they feel the choice would turn their kids into social outcasts. This is a complete fallacy. There are a myriad of opportunities for homeschooled children to learn how to get along with their peers, though, summer often provides the most varied choices.  Some of the most popular include: Camps:  Some homeschool co-ops organize their own summer camps, … Continue reading

Learning the Heart of Homeschooling

  The Heart of Homeschooling As the school year is coming to a close, many of use are thankful for the rest.  Homeschool years are active years and often leads to exhaustion.  Sadly for many it leads to frustration.  But as we get the time to rest, let’s reflect on the true heart of homeschooling. Homeschooling is a lifestyle–not an institution. It is led by the heart while holding the hand of a loving God for guidance. Keep your eyes focused on your calling to educate your children academically, emotionally and spiritually. Children should feel like your greatest joy and … Continue reading

Seasons of Testing

There are certain stages and circumstances in life that a married couple goes through in which the relationship is tested. While everyday can certainly be a test and an indicator of the strength of your relationship, some life events seem to bring out what truly lies underneath. One of the earliest circumstances I can remember my marriage being greatly tested in is about a year after we had our first child. I was pregnant with our second child when in the third month I miscarried. We each handled things very differently. Because of that, there were times we just weren’t … Continue reading

The Ultimate Social Studies Field Trip: Talk With Your Elected Officials!

Recently, my daughter and I embarked upon the ultimate social studies field trip. It wasn’t supposed to be one. In fact, since she’s often bored at meetings, I try to limit her exposure to them somewhat. After all, I am involved in many community organizations and go to a lot of meetings! We’re in Canada, where we have city, provincial, and federal elected officials. That morning, I was on my way to talk with our provincial official about several health and environmental issues. This particular person is quite approachable, and I’ve spoken with her several times. It was funny, though. … Continue reading

Are You Afraid of Summer?

It’s the end of June. For many people, school is ending. Whatever your pattern, it’s likely that if you’re involved in extracurricular activities or summer vacations at all, your patterns will change during the summer months. While this is lovely and can lead to restful times, exciting times at camps, and happy family days together, the summer can also bring stress. In recent years, I’ve realized that June is another early December. Many years ago, I started to clear out December. It had become a month of intensive family activity, and it didn’t need to be. Yes, Christmas is a … Continue reading

Is It a Spider Bite?

This past weekend was not that fun for me. Friday, my 8-year-old went to a party at a place that has the blowup jumpy houses. He came home, happy and full of birthday cake. Around 8:30, he came over to me to tell me something and I saw a white place on his arm with a red circle around it. Yikes – what was that on my son’s arm? I had his dad look at it and we called his grandpa, who used to be an EMT. After sending him a picture of it, he said it might be a … Continue reading

Make Time To Play

How often do you play with your children? Really get down on the floor and get into their world? I know I did not do it as often as I should have. Being a single mother means time is always at a premium and to be honest, I don’t like playing Barbies. Having said that, it is so important that we play with our children. It shows them they are important to us, we are willing to take the time to do something they love. Another benefit of playing with our children is that they often work out things they … Continue reading

Top 10 Ways to Get Your Kids Excited About Reading: Curious Cat

Do you want to get your kids excited about reading? If so, get ready for the countdown: ten days of ideas that will get you and yours into reading! Children are curious. These days, curiousity is easily satisfied. By Googling things, we can learn just about anything in mere seconds. Of course, that’s not to say that it isn’t necessary to hone your research skills. In fact, in the age of the internet, it’s more important than ever to have excellent research skills, so that you can sift through the vast amounts of information that are out there in the … Continue reading

Saying No Can Bring More Joy Into Your Life

I struggle with saying no to people, including myself. Once I became a single mother I was determined to do the best job I could so that my child would not suffer from being raised in a single parent household. Part of that determination was feeling like I had to be everything to everyone. I never said no when someone asked for help. I never said no when Hailey wanted me to stop what I was doing and entertain her. I never said no when I would tell myself to just keep going, people live perfectly well on five hours … Continue reading

Top 10 Ways to Get Your Kids Excited About Reading: Get Vocal

Do you want to get your kids excited about reading? If so, get ready for the countdown: ten days of ideas that will get you and yours into reading! Today’s tip? Get vocal about reading. Blah, blah, blah. There’s a lot of talking that goes on in a house, and sometimes we tune it out. Turn some of this talking into gripping reading, and you’ll increase your children’s ability to listen carefully. The ability to create images in your head is key to reading success. Craft a cumulative story. Get one family member to start out telling a story, then … Continue reading