Sunday Evening Review: January 14, 2007

Last week’s week in review got overlooked in Valorie’s transfer to the baby blog. (Check it out). Therefore, this week, you will get two, two, two weeks in one. Here is what has been going on in the homeschooling blog from January 1, to January 14, 2007. We started out the year with the 2006 in Review: Homeschooling Blog at a Glance and The 31 Most Talked About Blogs of 2006 . Still in a reflective mood, Valorie wrote Reflections on Homeschooling and Thoughts on Home schooling a Gifted Child . Constant reflection and re-evaluation in homeschooling is so important, … Continue reading

Thoughts on Home schooling a Gifted Child

I consider myself fairly intelligent and well educated. When people ask what we’ll do for higher mathematics–I’ve always said that I would teach them–I can do that. When people ask what we’ll do for foreign languages–well, I can teach that too–I am tri-lingual. I am well read, well versed in history and science, and I can even teach beginning music theory on several different instruments. (I am not telling you this so you can be wowed by my intelligence. . .just wait!) I’ve also said that you don’t need all that to homeschool because you can surely read anything you’re … Continue reading