A different type of frugal blogger

What do you get when a spendthrift marries a frugal person? You get a frustrated frugal person. Being married to a man who loves to buy cool stuff, my in goal in life is either to talk him out of purchases, or to beat him to the punch. In other words, I find good deals on things he wants before he pays full price for them. With that said, I am new to the frugal blog, but not to families.com. I have been on the site for a couple of years now as the Homeschooling blogger. I now have the … Continue reading

Some Things to Think About While Breastfeeding and Pregnant

Yesterday, I wrote substantially on all the studies, surveys and research that talk about whether or not you are able to breastfeed while you’re pregnant. In fairness, I did also want to bring out some of the potentially negative aspects about breastfeeding while pregnant. Thinking About Your Needs No doubt about it, it takes a lot of energy to be pregnant and it takes a lot of energy to breastfeed. We have already talked about how if you eat when you’re hungry and drink when you’re thirsty there’s no reason to think that you wouldn’t be able to breastfeed while … Continue reading

Will Breastfeeding While Pregnant Take Away From Your Fetus?

This morning we have been talking all about breastfeeding while pregnant. Here are a summary of the main points: *You can breastfeed while pregnant without fear of miscarriage. Your uterus is well protected against pre-term labor. The general rule of thumb is that if you’re cleared to have sex, you can breastfeed as well. *Since most women who are pregnant and nursing are not nursing a newborn infant. Since they are nursing an older baby, that baby should have other sources of nutrition besides breastfeeding. If they are exclusively being breastfed, mom should seek to provide additional nutrition. . .but … Continue reading

Breastfeeding While Pregnant: Will Your Infant Suffer?

This morning we were talking about whether or not breastfeeding while pregnant causes miscarriages. The notion that it does is not backed up by any scientific studies at this point. However, based on what we know, it is reasonable to assume that it is perfectly fine to breastfeed while pregnant. Understanding how the uterus works and responds to hormones during various stages of the pregnancy can help us understand the complicated mechanisms of how it’s possible to carry one and nurse the other. The general rule of thumb is that if you’re medically cleared to have sex during pregnancy (which … Continue reading

Can You Breastfeed While You’re Pregnant?

As I discovered yesterday on a thread in the forums, there is a lot of misinformation regarding whether or not you can breastfeed while you’re pregnant. Many doctors in fact tell their patients that you cannot breastfeed while you’re pregnant as it causes miscarriage. Some other misinformation also includes that breastfeeding during pregnancy can cause low birth weight babies. Finally, there’s always the idea that you won’t be able to make enough milk for the new baby and supply enough nutrients to the growing fetus. Since someone asked, I thought I’d take a closer look at each of these arguments … Continue reading

ABC Soap Opera Uses Homeschooling In Story Line

The media is at it again. This time ABC Soap Opera One Life to Live is doing a story line where a father (Todd) wants to isolate his daughter 16-year-old daughter (Starr) from her boyfriend and other kids and forces her to homeschool. Todd also cuts off his daughter’s cell phone, internet access and all access to the outside world. He feels that these changes are for is daughters own good and tries to convince her of the same to no avail. It never ceases to amaze me how the media manages to find ways to control popular opinion. While … Continue reading

The Most Talked About Homeschooling Blogs in 2007

This is my annual list of the most talked about blogs in 2007. We love comments, and the more the better! If you have been wanting to peruse the homeschooling blog but weren’t sure where to start. . .this is the place to be! My Top 5 Math Curriculum Picks In Defense of Teaching Creation Too Much Information Homeschooling or Housekeeping? Why We Are Not Testing Our Gifted Son Reason #2 Why Tax Credits Are Wrong for Homeschoolers You Call That Homeschooling? The National Lunch Association Takes Aim at Those Who Dare to Eat at Home It Has Been a … Continue reading

My Daughter’s First Two Years of Homeschooling

My oldest daughter is now in third grade. She is articulate and polite. She reads at about a 5th grade level and does well in pretty much anything she sets out to tackle. I wouldn’t say that she’s ahead and/or gifted, but she’s bright and does quite well. In fact, it was her (and not my son) that convinced my pediatrician that home schooling was a great idea. Her first two years, you know those essential formative years of 1st grade and kindergarten are also known as “the twin years.” Those are the years that I was pregnant with the … Continue reading

Public School Promoting Homeschooling when it is Convenient?

A recent news story tells of a young lady who is suing the school system. This 16 year old is an honor student and also the mother of a 2-year-old child. The suit says the district has brought complaints nine times against A.C. or her mother, leading to detention, in-school suspension, fines, warrants and suspension of her driver’s license. The lawsuit (also) says school officials also have encouraged a switch to home-schooling or to a vocational high school with a daycare program. So suddenly, homeschooling is a good idea? I guess if it means to that the school will not … Continue reading

Homeschooling with a toddler

You’ve homeschooled while pregnant. You’ve survived it with a newborn. Now, you’re ready for the ultimate challenge: homeschooling with a toddler in the house. Seemingly overnight, you realize that what you thought was hard (adding a baby to the homeschool mix) was actually a piece of cake. Babies nap, babies nurse, babies snuggle and coo when you read aloud. “Hey,” you say to yourself, “we accomplished a lot this year. And I was afraid a new baby would throw everything off.” And just as you hit that great rhythm, your child decides to grow up a little more. She starts … Continue reading