Frugal and Free Homeschooling {part 1}

Many have pushed aside the idea of homeschooling due to a lack of finances.  Many make the decision to stop homeschooling because of a difficult financial time.  Hearts that feel the impact of failing make decisions that cause them to retreat and not go forward. You are not a failure.  If you are experiencing a hard time or you feel you can not afford to homeschool, do not feel shame.  Many more struggle behind those happy Facebook status updates and expensive looking science experiments on blogs. A few years ago, I was in a financial situation that I feared would … Continue reading

Is there shame in quitting homeschooling?

Due to the strong feelings toward homeschooling it is often looked at as some sort of exclusive club. The club that lets you in but will never let you out unless you defect and that my friend is like a good old fashioned Amish shunning. At least this is the feeling I get from moms who email me for encouragement when their homeschooling days come to an end. For some reason or another they can no longer homeschool but they are told by others not to give up, they can do it, or they are harming their children by sending … Continue reading

Make Time To Play

How often do you play with your children? Really get down on the floor and get into their world? I know I did not do it as often as I should have. Being a single mother means time is always at a premium and to be honest, I don’t like playing Barbies. Having said that, it is so important that we play with our children. It shows them they are important to us, we are willing to take the time to do something they love. Another benefit of playing with our children is that they often work out things they … Continue reading

Is This Just a Game to You?

I have four children, three of whom are boys. I have one son who is very studious and will sit and read a book for hours. You say, “School time,” and he’s right there with all his pencils sharpened and an expectant look on his face. Then I have one son who fights the entire process. He doesn’t understand why we even have to do school and he questions the need for each and every subject. What makes it the most difficult is that he’s the oldest boy, and his little brother idolizes him. I worry that his anti-school attitude … Continue reading

Congratulations to the Winners of the Homeschool Blog Awards

Well the votes are in and tallied! The winners of the 2010 Homeschool Blog Awards have been announced. Congratulations to all the hard working bloggers on the list. I highly recommend visiting all the winners. Stop by and congratulate them or stop by and see what made them a cut above the rest. Homeschooling is best done with the love and support of others who are working in the trenches. You will be surprised how much you can learn and how much you can be encouraged by reading some great homeschool blogs. Many on this list are my some of … Continue reading

Pairing Work and Homeschooling

Our fall schedule appears to be exploding, and so is my head. I’ve come to a realization that this is sometimes why people put their children in school: school is at one location and at a specific time. That seems so easy. Really, it’s not so bad. I’m just trying to wrap my head around our first official year of home learning, and my brain is exploding. That is all. At times like these, I wish I was a work at home or stay at home mom. However, I know that every life has different challenges. Stay at home moms … Continue reading

Websites for keeping homeschooling fun

If you don’t find ways to keep homeschooling fun it will be just a matter of time before the kids begin longing for public school. In fact, I often counsel homeschoolers whose kids are hesitant to homeschool to take extra time to show them how fun homeschooling can be. Here are some ideas for keeping homschooling fun with online games. The internet is chock-full of online games. There are games for math, reading, science, and even art. Whenever one of my kids is struggling with a particular subject, I do a search for an appropriate online game that will give … Continue reading

Homeschooling for single and working parents

I get quite a few emails from single parents and dual income families looking to find a homeschooling parent who will take their kids and homeschool them. This is problematic because when a homeschooling parent takes on other kids, their homeschool becomes more of a school, and less of a flexible home environment. For this reason, there are many families who would like to homeschool but don’t because they feel that they can’t work and homeschool at the same time. Oh, but they can. As I wrote some time back in Can I Homeschool on the Road?, the most important … Continue reading

Homeschooling is just a matter of time

This morning I read the story of a young homeschooler named Julia Nepper who is working on two Associates degrees at 14. Prodigy or not (she doesn’t like that word), her capabilities clearly outpaced the traditional school schedule. Neither the junior high school nor the high school that she went to for one semester each would promote her due to ability so she continued homeschooling and landed in college at 11 years old. “The atmosphere was too much of babysitting people’s problems,” her father said. “Here, it’s quiet, the institution is excellent and the students are focused.” While my kids … Continue reading

Perceptions of Homeschooling from the Media

I just read a 10 page article on homeschooling that showed up in my Google Alerts today. It actually turned out to be dated Oct 5, 1998, but it came to my email box as new news. Still, there were several statements in this article about homeschooling that caught my eye. I will address them below. “Americans are becoming fussy consumers rather than trusting captives of a state monopoly,” says Chester Finn, a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute, a Washington, D.C., think tank. “”They’ve declared their independence and are taking matters into their own hands.” I don’t think that … Continue reading