Homeschooling in Wisconsin

This is not legal advice. As someone who lives in a state that is highly regulated, I cannot emphasize enough the need for you to advocate for yourself and make a point to know your state laws. While the school district will most likely provide you with a printed copy of the laws and regulations for home schooling, a local home schooling group can be a valuable asset when it comes to navigating your way through the system. Wisconsin is a very easy state to homeschool in providing lax laws and flexibility to its homeschoolers. (Yes, I’m jealous!) Compulsory Attendance: … Continue reading

Homeschool Laws for Wisconsin

If you’re wondering how in the world Wisconsin could possibly come after Hawaii the answer is simple. If you’re watching this series, and I know there are a few of you who are, do what Michele did and ask me about your state! I will skip ahead to Wisconsin and then I’ll go back to alphabetical order–unless of course someone else requests a different state! This is not legal advice. As someone who lives in a state that is highly regulated, I cannot emphasize enough the need for you to advocate for yourself and make a point to know your … Continue reading

Seasons of Testing

There are certain stages and circumstances in life that a married couple goes through in which the relationship is tested. While everyday can certainly be a test and an indicator of the strength of your relationship, some life events seem to bring out what truly lies underneath. One of the earliest circumstances I can remember my marriage being greatly tested in is about a year after we had our first child. I was pregnant with our second child when in the third month I miscarried. We each handled things very differently. Because of that, there were times we just weren’t … Continue reading

Exposing Children to Catastrophes

This past weekend has been very difficult, to witness the devastation and loss in Japan. It has been heart-wrenching but a good reminder of how precious life is and how much we need to make the most of the time we have. I was listening to a caller on a radio station who was expressing his thoughts on how much exposure our children should receive with catastrophes such as this. Some parents feel children should be sheltered from these horrors but other parents such as the caller, believe that children need to face reality. I tend to lean more toward … Continue reading

Never Set Limitations

Michele Cheplic another blogger in Parenting Advice asks Would You Let Your Teen Run for Governor? She says she wouldn’t… but I would. When I talk about never setting limitations on teens, I do not mean not setting limits. There is a big difference. To set limits is to make rules, restrictions, and guidelines for their safety and based on their maturity level. Setting limitations, to me, means limiting the expectations of what you expect from them and what they can expect from themselves. My parents unintentionally set limitations on me as a teen. I had a love for drawing … Continue reading

Food, Favors and Decorations to Complete Your Family Election Party

My last blog outlined invitations and possible activities for an Election Day (or Night) Party. This blog will help you prepare for the party. Favors/Name Tags Make name tags/favors in which the name is on a white circle of cardstock. Folded loops of ribbon be glued to the back of the cardstock around the edges of the circle. Leave two ribbons (hanging down. This resembles the rosette ribbons worn by members of political parties in England (hence the term, “showing your colors”). If it’s just a family party, rather than names you could make ribbons of different countries and write … Continue reading

School Shooting

Another tragedy hit our education system today with shootings at Virginia Tech. At a little after seven o’clock this morning a call was made to the campus police reporting a shooting at West Amber Johnson residence hall. While the shootings were being investigated, another report came in from shootings across campus at classrooms in Norris Hall. Altogether, 32 people were killed and over 20 more were injured. The single shooter is also dead. It has not been confirmed yet if the shooter took his on life or was shot by police. However, this may be the worst campus shooting in … Continue reading

Does the Government Give You Homeschool Curriculum? (Part 1)

When the all the questions about your ability to homeschool have been asked… When all the inquiries about socialization of your children, and every other homeschooler who has ever lived have been answered… When your friends and have seen amazing progress in your homeschooled child and starts comparing… When they have looked into their options and began considering homeschooling their own children themselves… Your friends and family ask if the government supplies you with homeschool curriculum. The answer to that question is yes, and no. Some states utilize School at Home programs supplied by the state. While many homeschoolers would … Continue reading

Teach Your Child to LOVE Reading in One Easy Step

There’s a simple way that you can encourage, promote and improve your child’s reading skills. It’s enjoyable, it’s a little selfish, and it really works. It requires just a bit of skill and some self-indulgence. Huh? What could it be? Simply this: Do it yourself. That’s right, read. Read, and let your child see you reading. And if you’re ready to strangle me, thinking, “Yeah, right…when do I have time?” I’ll make a suggestion: Read while your child does her homework. Children in the public school system are supposed to be reading for certain periods of time each day. My … Continue reading