Oklahoma Homeschool Bills to Add New Restrictions

Oklahoma homeschoolers are calling new proposals to homeschool laws an over reaction and an insult. The reason for these proposals is claims that homeschooling is being used as a cover when parents are dragged into court for truancy. There are also claims that homeschoolers are academically two years behind traditionally educated students. (That’s a first!) Read: School choice: Homeschool bills insulting to families Channel 8 News in OK reports the two proposals as: Senate Bill 472 would require parents or guardians who homeschool their child to notify the local school district and provide a report of academic progress to school … Continue reading

Homeschooling in Oklahoma

This is not legal advice. As someone who lives in a state that is highly regulated, I cannot emphasize enough the need for you to advocate for yourself and make a point to know your state laws. While the school district will most likely provide you with a printed copy of the laws and regulations for home schooling, a local home schooling group can be a valuable asset when it comes to navigating your way through the system. Oklahoma is the only state in which there is language in the state’s own constitution guaranteeing the right for parents to home … Continue reading

North Dakota loosens the noose on homeschoolers

Senate House Bill 1171 has been passed and allows homeschoolers who have a high school diploma or GED to teach their children without oversight. All homeschooling parents who do not have a high school diploma or GED will continue to be monitored closely. One would assume (or at least I do) that the state has found that the tough oversight on parents who have a high school degree or equivalent had been a waste of time and money. Any homeschooling parent worth their weight in salt knows that what you can teach, you can find someone who can. It is … Continue reading

Homeschoolers and Sports Teams

Tim Tebow didn’t let rules against homeschoolers playing High School football in Oklahoma stop him. Instead, he played football for Nease High School in Jacksonville Florida. This led to winning a Scholarship to Flordia State and also a Heisman Trophy. He just finished his fourth season with the Patriots. Many homeschoolers, myself included run into problems when happily homeschooled children become restless teens. They want to hang out with friends. They want to participate in athletics. They want clubs, and associations that are available in high schools. Many families make the decision to forgo homeschooling in exchange for a “normal” … Continue reading

Homeschool Resources and Groups in Arkansas A-F

To succeed in homeschooling, it is in your best interest to get involved with other homeschoolers. You should join a homeschool network or group near you. For this reason, I have decided to give a full listing of homeschooling groups throughout each state. Yes, there are other sites that list homeschool networks and support groups but none of are comprehensive. Some of them only list Christian, others only list those affiliated with them. I will attempt to list all of them. This list covers Arkansas A-F. Ambleside Moms In Arkansas A statewide Charlotte Mason homeschool support group for mothers in … Continue reading

Homeschool Oversight: Does it Make a Difference

If you read the posts on Homeschooling State Requirements, you will find that some states put heavy restrictions on homeschoolers and some put no restrictions on homeschoolers. Lately there has been a call for more homeschooling oversight. These calls have come from the legislature, the media, and from educational blogs. Homeschoolers generally don’t want, and feel that we don’t need additional oversight, and many would argue that in some states the oversight is too much. Currently states with the most homeschool regulation and oversight are New York, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, and North Dakota. States with the least amount of … Continue reading

Breastfeeding and Jury Duty

I have found myself in a most unpleasant situation. I will start by saying the simple fact of the matter is, I cannot serve. I have a gazillion and one reasons why I cannot but suffice it to say that as Murphey’s Law would have it, they called the one week I just can’t go. Every single babysitter known to man (or at least known to my adorable, but slightly difficult two year old twins) is busy and gone. Had they given me a summons the week earlier or the week later it would’ve been fine. But they didn’t and … Continue reading

Sunday Evening Review: December 24th

Merry Christmas to you all! I’m sure with the busy holiday schedule, you missed some blogs this week–I certainly did. So now we have our week in review and you can catch up on what you’ve missed. Are You Taking a Holiday Break? Except for of course Christmas Eve and Christmas Day we aren’t and neither is Andrea’s family. Something that I see as a real benefit of homeschooling is that we are offered unlimited flexibility. On that same note, Andrea shares with us Homeschooling and the Freedom to Live. Did you know that there are Schools for Your Homeschoolers? … Continue reading