Homeschoolers Tend to Be Withdrawn?

I hear or read on a regular basis about how homeschoolers tend to be withdrawn. They are not used to talking with other kids their age. They are clueless when it comes to what is in, or what is out. They have no social skills. This is just not true. According to the homeschool newsletter, Free Homeschool Stuff, one parent writes, contrary to what some might think, my children have become LESS withdrawn and more outgoing and confident. I have seen this in one of my own children. My son is definitely the strong silent type. He generally has nothing … Continue reading

When Homeschool Kids Worry about Socialization

This morning as I drove my kids to their homeschool program my son said, “My friend … said homeschool kids are unsocialized”. Considering the fact that the person in question is also homeschooled, I had to wonder why he would say such a thing. It was akin to my mother’s old habit of telling “yo-mama” jokes… to her own kids. I used to always stop her and say, “You know you’re talking about yourself right”. Of course, that is what made her jokes really funny. Somehow having a homeschooled child inform a bunch of other homeschooled children that they are … Continue reading

Teaching Foreign Languages in the Early Elementary

Yesterday, I wrote about the fact that research says that the best time to start a foreign language is after the age of twelve. . .once the child reads and writes fluently in their own language. This is contrary to what most people and most curriculums have us believe–that is that we should start very, very early. However, some states actually require that you teach a foreign language as early as first grade or your child may simply have an interest. Focusing on speaking the language fluently in the early elementary will only serve to shoot yourself in the foot, … Continue reading

Homeschooling Week in Review April 7- 13, 2007

In the homeschooling blogs from last week I continued with the curriculum glossary project, and hope to have it done by the end of the month, along with an outline page so that you can easily find the curriculum that is right for you. I also touched on a few on a few homeschool topics that will interest you. Here is the homeschooling week in review for April 7- 13. April 7, 2007: Homeschoolers Tend to be Withdrawn? Was the question I began with last week. This argument refuted the notion (once again) that is constantly brought up about the … Continue reading

Homeschooling In Oregon

This is not legal advice. As someone who lives in a state that is highly regulated, I cannot emphasize enough the need for you to advocate for yourself and make a point to know your state laws. While the school district will most likely provide you with a printed copy of the laws and regulations for home schooling, a local home schooling group can be a valuable asset when it comes to navigating your way through the system. According to Oregon state law, children are exempt from the compulsory attendance law if they are being educated in the home by … Continue reading