Pursing Art Currciulum for the Junior High Student

I previously introduced you to Artistic Pursuits for the K-3rd crowd. Now I would like to introduce you to Artistic Pursuits for the Junior High crowd. Artistic Pursuits will be highly appreciated by those who teach from a Charlotte Mason or Classical method. However, this art curriculum will enhance any homeschool. The focus in Book One is on World Art. The student will gain an understanding of how different cultures impacted the world in different ways through their art. The book places equal emphasis on art history, art appreciation and techniques making this a complete art course for your junior … Continue reading

Twaddle Free List of Books for Junior High Students

Junior high is an exciting time for both the student and the teacher. This is the time that the student will want to explore his world, contribute to his world, and analyze his world. As a teacher, you are doing your best to prepare your student for the high school years ahead. During this time, it is all the more important to keep your student reading twaddle free, living, solid books. Allow your student to explore the minds of Jane Austen, Mark Twain, Nathanial Hawthorne, and Charles Dickens. While, you may have explored these authors and some of their books … Continue reading

Homeschool Question: Ideas for an Independent 13 year old

Problem: A recent question in the homeschool forum asks for ideas for a boxed curriculum or other independent learning system for an independent 13 year old. Particulars in this situation is that mom is pregnant, the 13 year old is beyond the mothers level of math knowledge, and up until now, the mom has been preparing the curriculum. The 13 year old is also considering a special high school program and so he needs to be prepared to possibly enter high school in a year. A follow up question revealed that the son has a math tutor. Mom also wants … Continue reading