Disneyland Scholarships

The month-long period between mid-May and mid-June seems full of one thing: graduates. Starting with college graduations in the middle of May and continuing with the high school graduations scattered throughout June, it seems there’s a fete for a graduate everywhere we turn this time of year. Of course Disney, as famous as is it for throwing huge celebrations, has to get in on the fun. Every year the Disneyland Resort grants 10 high school seniors $5,000 each in scholarships to help further their education. The Disneyland Scholarship Program is about more than just good grades. Students who want to … Continue reading

No More Rules!

In my previous post answering homeschool questions for a young lady who wants to homeschool her senior year of high school, it was clear that her questions were the result of 12+ years of public school restrictions. Even her follow up questions indicated that she expected homeschooling to be as restrictive and regimented as public school. In answer to her follow-up questions, “when are midterms and finals?, it was clear to me that she was not seeing beyond her current and past educational experiences. Here is my response to her. Testing is up to you and the person who teaches … Continue reading

Homeschool Q & A: Homeschooling for Senior Year in High School

I recently received the following question by email: I am going to be a Senior in High School. I don’t want to go back to high school because I am having a bad experience and I have had enough. Both my parents work and I was wondering if someone else can homeschool me and if you know any websites that can help me find a person who homeschools. Here are some other questions: How many hours a day is homeschool? How do I know what subjects I am going to take? How long are my breaks (Christmas and Easter)? Do … Continue reading

Homeschool Class of 2009

Each Spring I like to highlight stories of homeschool graduates. Some graduate in large groups with other homeschoolers. Others graduate on their own. Some graduate at the typical age as any other student. some finish highschool and college at very young ages. Many get into top colleges, and some go on with their lives. Here are some homeschool graduates in the news for the 2008-2009 school year. In Mount Vernon, WA, 30 homeschool kids graduated together in a Knox County homeschool ceremony. Graduates included a couple of kids graduating a year early. Some are planning to go to brick and … Continue reading

Perceptions of Homeschooling from the Media

I just read a 10 page article on homeschooling that showed up in my Google Alerts today. It actually turned out to be dated Oct 5, 1998, but it came to my email box as new news. Still, there were several statements in this article about homeschooling that caught my eye. I will address them below. “Americans are becoming fussy consumers rather than trusting captives of a state monopoly,” says Chester Finn, a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute, a Washington, D.C., think tank. “”They’ve declared their independence and are taking matters into their own hands.” I don’t think that … Continue reading

High School to College

It is that time of year when parents begin packing up their children and moving them to college. College can be a big adjustment for students. Many children are actively involved in high school. They are well known throughout their school and have much of a popular reputation. They then enter college. In college they are a mere freshmen without contacts or involvement in school. College is much bigger. The competition is tougher. It can be very scary and frustrating for students. The larger the college is, the harder the adjustment may be. Many high school seniors cannot visualize life … Continue reading

Distance Learning Homeschool Programs Fu-Gr

Future’s International High School This online school supplies “real time student-teacher videoconferencing, audio and video chat, and allows parents to monitor class sessions. The school promises “Accelerated programs unavailable in their vicinity scheduling flexibility and encouragement to aspiring athletes, artists and other career-focused students, consistent learning environment for students who move and/or travel frequently, and support to international students with aspirations to attend an American university “ The cost in $750.00 per semester. Garden School is an actual school in Jackson Heights NY that also provides a Cyber school and has a camp in the Ozarks. Garden School serves all … Continue reading

Free College Level Classes

With two kids in high school in the fall, I’m starting to think about college credits. We’re probably going to be in that middle area when it comes to loans and grants. Too poor to pay their tuition outright, too wealthy (ha!) to quality for financial aid. Of course I have hopes that there will be scholarships, but since I don’t really want my daughters leaving home to go away to college, the opportunities will be a little more limited. Our state has a program for high schoolers to take community college classes in their junior and senior years. That’s … Continue reading

Homeschool Curriculum Glossary (Saxon – Seton)

Saxon Publishers creates learning materials that teach math and reading skills. The programs include daily practice, and dialogue. Saxon Math is a leading math program in private schools and homeschools. It is known to help students retain learned skill because is constantly reviews older skills. Saxon math is For Kindergarten through 12 grade levels. Saxon reading focuses on phonics and spelling skills for grades K-3 and reading and phonics intervention for older struggling students. School House Rock was originally created as cartoon breaks for Saturday morning cartoons in the 1970’s. It quickly became a recognized way to teach children important … Continue reading

How Long Each Day Should it Take to Homeschool?

Homeschooling for the day can be completed very quickly when compared to traditional schooling. The reason is that when you have fewer kids to work with, you have less time wasted for each child. How much time do we spend homeschooling? For us, homeschooling is done in the morning, with the afternoon left for unscripted educational activities. This unscripted time is usually filled with reading, outside discovery, computer games, and for my oldest, computer programming. So technically, they homeschooling from about 9 am until 4 pm excluding lunch, which is the same as other children. How much do time we … Continue reading