Stay on Track without Going Crazy

Regardless of how you plan or not plan your homeschool day we all have the same amount of hours in the day. Many love to follow a strict schedule to keep them on track every hour of the school day. Many prefer a flexible schedule while some prefer not to schedule at all. At some point most homeschoolers formulate even a lose plan due to the sheer amount of work that needs to be accomplished in a day. I prefer a flexible schedule since I am apt to throw in the towel at the first sign a rigid schedule would … Continue reading

Reflection Before the Year Begins

The homeschool journey is one filled with adventure and often exhaustion and frustration. If you have no felt frustrated or exhausted yet you will. Every homeschooler gets to a breaking point at some time during their journey. There are days when the sun shines down and the path is smooth and other days when it pours down rain on a rocky terrain. It happens and it is nothing you should feel shame over. Homeschoolers put their whole heart and being into this journey. With that much emotion, love and importance of task there are bound to be bumps in the … Continue reading

Interviews with Homeschoolers – Danyelle Leafty

I love talking to other homeschoolers and finding out why they chose to homeschool and how it works for them. Today I’m joined by Danyelle Leafty. Danyelle, thanks for letting me pick your brain! First off, I’d like to know, why did you decide to homeschool? I decided to homeschool because my son learns very quickly. I wanted his education to be paced with his ability which would be impossible in a traditional school setting. A single teacher can only do so much. I also wanted him to retain his love of learning. He has been asking questions ever since … Continue reading

Did You Choose Godparents for Your Baby?

The concept of having godparents comes out of more liturgical traditions such as Catholicism. Different denominations have different “qualifications” for being a godparent. For example, in some churches it is suggested that the godparent be a member of the same church. However, I rather like the concept of having godparents–regardless of whether or not you’re religious and so bear with me for a minute here. Godparents are supposed to take the time necessary to build a special relationship with your child. They are supposed to share with them values and morals and take a vested interest in their lives. Obviously, … Continue reading