Genealogy For Homeschoolers

Genealogy is a great topic for adults and children alike. If you are a parent who is homeschooling your children, you may want to include some family history lessons in your curriculum. There are quite a few ways that you can do this, and there are options available for children of all ages. One fun way to explore your family’s heritage is to make a family scrapbook. There are so many fun scrapbooking supplies available, and when you add these to the boxes and boxes of old photos that you have sitting around, you have the makings of something great. … Continue reading

Homeschool Smackdown

We’ve made the decision to homeschool. We’ve turned away from the pressures of trying to compete with the public school and we’re good with our decision to be a little different. We’ve found our curriculum, we’ve organized our supplies, and we’re really happy with how we’ve decided to proceed. Invariably, though, we’ll find ourselves in a conversation like this: Us: “So, you homeschool too?” Them: “Why, yes, I do. I’ve had all twenty-four of my children at home, with no drugs, and I’ve taught them at home since birth. They all said their ABC’s shortly after their first diaper change, … Continue reading

Tools to Teach Kindergarten

Homeschooling your Kindergartener will come with challenges, frustration, joy, and so much fun. Kindergarteners are naturally curious so this can make learning both difficult and easy. Difficult because the child often gets distracted and wants to veer off to the left of your straight path. Easy in the sense that you get a student ready, willing, and able to learn anything and everything she sees. It’s up to you to find the proper tools to guide your little student down the right path. I hear “What curriculum should I use for my Kindergartener?” all the time. It is reasonable that … Continue reading

Homeschooling Kindergarten

This homeschooling year will be significant as I have one child entering her first year of junior high and another starting Kindergarten. This will be my third time teaching Kindergarten. I am so grateful that I have one more time to teach it after this. Teaching Kindergarten is one of my favorite things. I just love the finger paint, art projects, reading lessons, math lessons, hands on activities, and curiosity about the world these little students possess. Kindergarten is the time to build future students who are curious, creative and critical thinkers. But don’t let that pressure you one bit … Continue reading

Gearing Up for Your First Home Schooling Year

So, you decided to make the big leap and home school your children? As significant as this decision was, you will be faced with many more as you embark on this journey. Here are some basic advice to guide you through the first questions and decisions you will face. Of course, things are not always this simple, but it’s best to keep our perspective and not get too overwhelmed. Home schooling is a learning experience for the parent as much as the child. What curriculum should I use? This is the question mainly asked by new home schooling parents. What … Continue reading