Fighting Feelings of Failure

Moms love their kids. The love is such that a mom is constantly concerned with her child’s well being. A mom feels a vested interest in every part of her child’s life. When a mom takes on the task of homeschooling she takes on a greater responsibility that is pure joy yet is not without pain. When we go through dark times we often feel we are alone. We also begin the dangerous road of comparing ourselves to other moms who appear to have it together. This causes feelings of failure and temptations to leave homeschooling behind. When our house … Continue reading

Be Ye Therefore Perfect

As a member of the church, I’ve always known that the phrase perfection, or some form of it appears multiple times in the scriptures. We need to “be ye therefore perfect”, or “be perfected in Christ”. I am not going to deny that hearing that perfection is the ultimate goal can feel very depressing. An article by, Janet S. Scharman, in BYU Magazine was shared on a friend’s blog. The title of the article of course peaked my interest, “Seeking Perfection Without Being a Perfectionist”. I thought, I definitely need to read that! So, I did. And, it was a … Continue reading

My Five Favorite Tips to Avoid Burnout

I did not listen to advice telling me to sleep when the baby sleeps. Instead I cleaned. I did not listen to the advice to take time for myself. Instead I planned more lessons and tried to squeeze in some work. I did not listen to advice telling me to not worry about the little messes. Rome wasn’t cleaned in a day. Instead I drove myself to the brink trying to get my overflowing “to-do” list done in one day. Then one day I found myself burned out. I was unable to move. Things that were once a joy were … Continue reading

Take Your Time

Homeschooling is not a race to the finish line. It is a journey that one should savor and enjoy. It is exploration not a raid on a new land. It is self discovery not artificial intelligence. It is education not schooling. Education takes time and patience. Schooling is rushing through a curriculum to advance to the next grade. Homeschooling frees you of grade levels, systems, and mediocre expectations. There is no need to get through Lessons 1 through 5 today when you can explore nature and spend time visiting the Hundred Acre Wood with Pooh and friends. When you are … Continue reading

Juggling Working and Homeschooling

Homeschooling is a full time job. However, it doesn’t pay the bills so often homeschooling parents both have to work. Living on one income was a sacrifice many homeschoolers made in the name of educating their children at home. It was the “price” of homeschooling. However, in today’s economy living on one income with the cost of homeschooling is becoming increasingly more difficult. In many homes the parent responsible for homeschooling is getting a job or starting a business. Adding a job or business to homeschooling a family can be overwhelming and throw things off track. How do you cope? … Continue reading

How to Not Fight

Who likes to fight? None of us. In fact, for all that I enjoy a good debate or a healthy exchange of differing opinions – I don’t like to fight. I really don’t like to fight with my husband. The majority of fights we have had – at least in my opinion – are largely due to a failure to communicate. Either one of us misunderstands or miscommunicates something and the other reacts and wee – we’re off to the races. A miscommunication can be as simple as indicating that you want to improve your job options. Maybe you want … Continue reading

When Baby Makes Three (Part I)

Many people believe they will “live happily ever after.” In reality, the changes that come with parenting can be dramatic and unexpected. We cannot anticipate how the shift from being a couple to being a family will affect us. But knowing that tension, fear, anger and sadness are as much a part of being a parent as joy and fulfillment reassures new parents during what could be a very confusing and lonely time in their lives. Trials and Tribulations Don and Kit, for example, found themselves pregnant in the very beginning of their relationship. The trials they experienced in the … Continue reading