Nebraska Genealogy Resources

Nebraska is “The Cornhusker State”. Are you searching for more information about your ancestors who once lived in Nebraska? Here are some helpful Nebraska genealogy resources that you can use. Most of them are accessible for free. Cyndi’s List is, quite possibly, the largest collection of online genealogy links. If it is on the internet, Cyndi’s List probably has a link to it. They have a page called “United States – Nebraska”. Start by choosing from any of their categories. Some of them include: “Birth, Marriage, Death”, “Census”, “Counties”, “Military”, “Newspapers”, and more. has a page that is filled … Continue reading Homeschooling Blog Week In Review

This has been a fun week for at the homeschooling blog. I returned to after a long absence and was welcomed back with open arms by Valorie Delp who will still guest blog for as she has time. Meanwhile she is busy with the baby blog and food blog. I have wasted no time jumping back into my work as the homeschool blogger. Sunday 09 Mar 2008 Edventures Online by Valorie Delp This is one of the best kept secrets of the kid-friendly website world. It is a subscription service, but I have to say I think … Continue reading

Effect of Calfornia Ruling Felt in Nebraska

According to former teacher and Nebraska Senator. DiAnna Schimek, It’s been almost 25 years since the current (homeschool) law passed and it’s time to look at it again. I’ve been hearing stories over the years about students not being in school, about people wondering whether they were being properly educated or not. I wanted to explore the issue. Nebraska Education bill LB 1141 was introduced to hold schools not accredited by the state accountable, according to Sen. Schimek, but it also threatens to restrict parental rights. It also affects homeschools. The bill would require: Homeschoolers to submit annually attendance records … Continue reading

Latest Homeschool Battle Takes Aim on Religion

In what appeared to be a case of a divorced family fighting over homeschooling, the judge has ordered the child into school because she held to strongly to her own religious beliefs. The judgment stated that the girl lacked “some youthful characteristics”, and “appeared to reflect her mother’s rigidity on questions of faith”. The child has been ordered to attend a public school where she “must begin to critically evaluate multiple systems of belief and behavior and cooperation in order to select, as a young adult, which of those systems will best suit her own needs.” (South Dakota Voice) Had … Continue reading

California Homeschoolers Wait for Judgment

Yesterday was a big day for homeschoolers in California. It is the day the Oral arguments in the Los Angeles 2nd District Court of Appeals were heard regarding the right of homeschoolers to continue teaching kids at home. Follow the story here: Answering Questions About California’s Now Infamous Court Case Why What Happens in California Matters Update of California Homeschool Ruling Effect of Calfornia Ruling Felt in Nebraska All reports show that the ruling is up in the air. HSLDA is not showing its usual smug confidence that homeschoolers will walk away victorious. Anti homeschool advocates are remaining strangely quiet. … Continue reading