Homeschool Curriculum Review:

I was introduced to a new online education program called simply Educator. This website is geared toward higher level high school instruction, more specifically, AP level courses. Through the use of video instruction by some of the brightest minds in the country, a student is able to participate in an online lecture course with a teacher that would no be available to them on a local level. This is a subscription based program that brings unlimited access to the entire database of courses, teachers, and instructional materials. Whether you student needs to learn Chemistry from beginning to end, or just … Continue reading

Foreign Language: The Invaluable Asset

Do you speak a foreign language? Or were you the kid in the back of the class that thought that the class was too hard or that the scripted dialogues were too lame? Yesterday, during an interview, I was reminded again just how invaluable being a polyglot can be. I mention in this blog that I speak a couple of other languages besides English not to brag, but just to share some of my experiences and some of the places I’ve been able to go simply as a result of having that skill. I would suggest to you that this … Continue reading

Curriculum Reviews: Power Glide Foreign Language Programs

I have written before about teaching foreign languages in the homeschool. I think it is one of the more difficult areas to teach as a homeschooler because it is one of the few areas where a background knowledge is somewhat essential if you’re going to think of starting in the younger grades. What has always bugged me about any pre-packaged foreign language curriculum is that they often lead a parent to believe that they will be purchasing a program that will yield fluent speakers without the parent having to know the language. While I wouldn’t say that you must speak … Continue reading