A Warning for Hybrid Homeschoolers

Some time ago, I explained that the best label for our family in the homeschooling realm is hybrid homeschooling. Hybrid homeschoolers work in the middle ground between school and home. While the majority of us do not utilize public school resources, we do find other resources to help homeschool our kids. There will be co-op classes, tutors, and even programs that mimic school very closely, though it will very likely be for less than 5 days a week. I have noticed a large influx of hybrid homeschool programs in my area. The latest has fully loaded days, just like in … Continue reading

Homeschooling Then and Now

This post is for new and prospective homeschoolers trying to get a handle on how to start homeschooling. When I began homeschooling, I read at least 30 books on how to homeschool, how homeschooling went, and how homeschooling should go. All of these books were good and valuable, but after homeschooling for 4 years now, I look back and shake my head. Following all of the advice in those older and often outdated books is akin to feeding my child milk from a bottle because my mother fed me that way. Here are some differences between homeschooling then, and now. … Continue reading