Book Review: Annie’s Baby

Annie’s Baby is a book whose official author is Dr. Beatrice Sparks, an adolescent psychologist who also edited Go Ask Alice. But the book’s real author is “Annie”, an anonymous client of Dr. Sparks, who narrates her story to her diary. As the book begins, Annie is a fairly typical fourteen-year-old—she plays on a soccer team and enjoys rollerblading. She says she’s too much of a tomboy to be one of the “popular girls”, but she has several good friends with whom she likes to go to the movies or the mall. Annie lives with her mom, a teacher. The … Continue reading

Missing Pyramid and Lighthouse Found

Now, I can understand losing your glasses, your car keys, or your purse. But, how can you “lose” something as big as a pyramid or a lighthouse? Well, let me tell you these stories, which broke this week in the news. First, the story of the missing lighthouse. Historians in Cape Cod thought that a 30-foot lighthouse that had once overlooked Wellfleet Harbor had been taken down and destroyed in 1925. However, this week, the lighthouse was found – in California! The lighthouse was “found’ last year by lighthouse researcher, but the discovery of it was just published this month … Continue reading

A Unit Study Starter on the Vikings

The Vikings are a very interesting people to study in part because so much of their history is related to them pillaging and thieving from other peoples. They were particularly fond of picking on monasteries–presumably because monks were not so feisty. However, if you read extensively on the Vikings, what you discover is that they were a deeply family oriented people. They were also fairly religious although it’s notable that they stopped raiding surrounding areas when they converted to Christianity. Here are a few ideas for studying the Vikings. Geography Vikings, as you probably are aware are from the Northern … Continue reading

A Unit Study Starter on the New 7 Wonders of the World

Before I gave up home school blogging to move to the baby and food blogs, on occasion I would post a unit study starter. A unit study starter can be used as a ‘diving board’ to jump start your unit. I generally include links and resources for each subject area and of course you are free to add your own as needed. To get more details on planning a unit study see this blog. Critical Thinking An organization called The New 7 Wonders began by holding a world wide vote to elect 7 ‘new’ wonders of the world. Begin the … Continue reading