Can Education Influence Teen Pregnancy and Adoption?

My last few blogs have dealt with educating young people. I started with suggesting that children at the elementary age learn about adoption and also about how to access community resources for various needs. (When I worked on an information and referral phone line at a Family Resource Center, I had one volunteer, a woman of about sixty, who suggested we have a training session on how to use the phone book. I learned not to assume anything regarding education.) I mentioned a class called Crib Notes written by Lyn, our education blogger here at, which teaches middle school … Continue reading

Typical High School Course of Study: Math

In previous years, most schools required 3 years of math for graduation. These days, most school districts in most states require a student study math for four years. There are several different math courses for a student to choose from according to their comfort and success with math. If your student is college bound, they will want to take the most difficult courses. Typical math courses for high schools students include: General mathematics (also called math 1) is for students who don’t intend to go to college teaches subjects like ratio, proportion, measurement, budgeting, insurance, taxation, elementary algebra, informal geometry … Continue reading

Middle School Homeschool Basics: Social Studies

World book has a list of topics that your students should learn from grade school through high school. For middle school years, I strongly disagree the way in which the topics are arranged for each of the sixth, seventh, and eighth grade social studies. It is basically set up in a way that is segmented and not cohesive at all. I feel these topics can be set up in a way that is based on time period, or at least region. For this reason, I have re-arranged the topics a bit to help it flow better. As you can see … Continue reading

Homeschool Week in Review March 31-April 5

05 Apr 2008 Second Grade Homeschool Basics by Andrea Hermitt Previous homeschool bloggers have given curriculum guides for the second grade according to subject. The purpose of this guide is to put all of the suggestions in one place allowing homeschoolers to build their own curriculum around the basics. Are Homeschooling Children School Phobic? by Andrea Hermitt According to a UK website for anxiety care, school phobia can and should be treated. According to this website (which is attempting to sell counseling services) school phobia or school refusal affects 5% of students and is most common among boys. The onset … Continue reading

A Student’s Life Course is Set in Middle School

I recently butted into a conversation where a mom had considered putting her homeschooled student into public school for highschool. She has since decided on another course for her child after disagreeing with the schools math program. Here in GA math is set up quite strange with Math1, Math2, Math 3, and Math 4 recommended. The problem with these math classes for high school students is that taking these math classes will not be sufficient enough for a child to be accepted into college. To get into college a child needs to take Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, and Calculus or accelerated … Continue reading

Introducing Homeschooling to Publicly Schooled Child

I recently came across a discussion where the mother was nervous about introducing the idea of homeschooling to her publicly schooled student. She was afraid he would miss going to school. She was also afraid he would be resistant to homeschooling. Well, the first thing she needs to do is go ahead and talk to the child. It doesn’t make sense to fret over a conversation that hasn’t happened yet. In my experiences when a parent has introduced homeschooling to a child, most have responded very positively and in most cases cannot believe their luck in getting to have their … Continue reading